- 1). Place a folded towel under the arm. It should completely cover from the fingertips to the elbow.
- 2). Wrap the arm in the towel so it fits snugly.
- 3). Tie one bandana tightly around one end of the towel, and the other around the other end. Tie it tightly so that nothing moves.
- 1). Wrap an elastic bandage around the broken or injured wrist in a figure-eight pattern.
- 2). Hold one part of the bandage down until you wrap it properly so the bandage doesn't loosen. Wrap it tightly but not so tightly that you cut off circulation.
- 3). Fasten it with the metal clamps or Velcro the bandages include.
- 1). Place a tongue depressor, or Popsicle stick, under the wrist. You will need more than one for large wrists.
- 2). Hold the stick in place and wrap the area up, using the figure-eight pattern with athletic tape to immobilize it.
- 3). Cut the tape when you feel you have secured the wrist properly.
Bandana Splint
Bandage Splint
Stick Splint
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