Health & Medical Men's Health

A Bigger Penis - Why it Matters, and How to Get Results

You are a good looking guy, but you have an average sized penis, or maybe smaller than average.
You feel insecure about your penis size, and so you lack the confidence to chat to women, not to mention undress in front of them.
Your sexual performance starts to suffer.
This lack of confidence grows, and you feel that your self esteem gets lower every day.
It's a vicious circle, and your insecurity feeds on itself, making it more and more difficult to talk to women and even more difficult to satisfy them sexually.
Does this sound like you? If it does, you are not alone.
Many men are insecure about the size of their penis, and this can easily start affecting all aspects of their lives.
The good news is that there is something you can do about it.
But with all the scams out there, how do you get that bigger penis you've always wanted, and get your life back on track? Do I have to take pills? There are lots of penis enlargement pills on the market, but unfortunately the truth is they do not really work.
At best, they give stronger erections by increasing the blood flow to the penis, but they do not actually increase penis size.
Even here, the results are mixed, with many people reporting no effect at all.
Once you stop taking the pills, any effect also stops, so you have to keep taking them indefinitely.
This makes them a very expensive option.
Penis enlargement - the natural alternative.
Rather than polluting your body with toxins, there is a natural alternative.
Using nothing more than your hands, natural penis enlargement exercises can be a very effective way to get a bigger penis - both a longer penis (by up to 3-4 inches) and a wider penis (by up to 2 inches).
The penis has 3 chambers, and the key to having a bigger penis is to increase the amount of blood that these chambers will hold.
The more blood that gets into the penis, the bigger it becomes.
Hand exercises, for just a few minutes every day, break down the cell walls and gently force more blood through them.
The penis then repairs itself growing the cells back larger and stronger than before.
This allows a greater intake of blood and therefore results in a larger penis.
This is a safe alternative, and it has proven permanent results - your penis will still keep the extra length and width gained even after you stop doing the exercises.
You do not have to pay the emotional and physical price of having a small penis.

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