6 Pack Abs Meets Law of Attraction - 4 Steps to Getting the Body of Your Dreams
What does metaphysics have to do with your desire for a beautifully toned body? One could say nothing if you really don't know or care what metaphysics is.
On the other hand, someone could get really interested in how to leverage the natural laws of the universe (metaphysics) to build the body of their dreams.
What are the natural laws of the Universe? There are several but for the purposes of this article, we'll start with the basics.
The first fundamental principal or law is that everything is a vibration.
Everything you see around you (your car, computer, pen, paper, clothing, furniture, fence posts, buildings, sidewalks, roads, etc.
) at one point in time, started out as a vibration.
We call these vibrations thoughts.
In Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich he stated that 'thoughts are things'.
Things that vibrate at the same frequency attract to one another.
That attraction is called the Law of Attraction.
If you have the power to think up the idea of a great body, to have beautifully sculpted muscles and if you hold that thought long enough in your mind, then the Universe must deliver your desire, it is law.
How does one put this idea into practice? By reprogramming your subconscious mind through repetitious actions of your conscious mind.
Here is a daily practice where you can leverage the power of the Universal Law of Attraction.
Step one: Get clear about what you want.
Simply saying that you want a better body isn't enough.
You need to surround yourself with images of the body of your dreams.
These can be pictures out of any magazine or an artistic drawing.
Once you get the picture, if it doesn't look like you, simply cut off the head of the image and paste an image of your face/head in its place.
Although your conscious mind has the ability to accept or reject information, your subconscious mind does not.
Thus, it's important to have the image look like you.
This will help you get crystal clear about what you want for a body of your dreams.
Step two: Write down your goal and include a time frame.
Be specific.
The simple act of committing your goal to paper sends a signal to your subconscious mind that this goal is important; it isn't merely a passing thought.
Step three: Imagine your beautiful, highly toned and ripped body.
What does it feel like to have those six pack abs showing? How does it feel to have all of your waist fat gone? What kind of clothes would you wear? How does it feel to fit into the clothes you have dreamed about? By mixing the images with emotion, you evoke a new, good feeling vibration.
The more good feeling emotions you can create, the faster you will attract the things you most desire.
Step four: Review your goal daily.
No matter where you get the image(s) it's important that you look at the images and your written goal as many times a day as possible.
At the very least look at your image and review your goal once in the morning upon arising and just before you retire at night.
The act of utilizing your imagination, new, like-minded thoughts will come to you.
New thoughts of actions will occur to you.
They will be a natural outcome of your new vibration.
You could begin to notice that rather than fighting the action of eating better or getting to the gym to work out, you naturally will begin eating right or going to the gym.
In fact, you will be energized by this.
On the other hand, someone could get really interested in how to leverage the natural laws of the universe (metaphysics) to build the body of their dreams.
What are the natural laws of the Universe? There are several but for the purposes of this article, we'll start with the basics.
The first fundamental principal or law is that everything is a vibration.
Everything you see around you (your car, computer, pen, paper, clothing, furniture, fence posts, buildings, sidewalks, roads, etc.
) at one point in time, started out as a vibration.
We call these vibrations thoughts.
In Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich he stated that 'thoughts are things'.
Things that vibrate at the same frequency attract to one another.
That attraction is called the Law of Attraction.
If you have the power to think up the idea of a great body, to have beautifully sculpted muscles and if you hold that thought long enough in your mind, then the Universe must deliver your desire, it is law.
How does one put this idea into practice? By reprogramming your subconscious mind through repetitious actions of your conscious mind.
Here is a daily practice where you can leverage the power of the Universal Law of Attraction.
Step one: Get clear about what you want.
Simply saying that you want a better body isn't enough.
You need to surround yourself with images of the body of your dreams.
These can be pictures out of any magazine or an artistic drawing.
Once you get the picture, if it doesn't look like you, simply cut off the head of the image and paste an image of your face/head in its place.
Although your conscious mind has the ability to accept or reject information, your subconscious mind does not.
Thus, it's important to have the image look like you.
This will help you get crystal clear about what you want for a body of your dreams.
Step two: Write down your goal and include a time frame.
Be specific.
The simple act of committing your goal to paper sends a signal to your subconscious mind that this goal is important; it isn't merely a passing thought.
Step three: Imagine your beautiful, highly toned and ripped body.
What does it feel like to have those six pack abs showing? How does it feel to have all of your waist fat gone? What kind of clothes would you wear? How does it feel to fit into the clothes you have dreamed about? By mixing the images with emotion, you evoke a new, good feeling vibration.
The more good feeling emotions you can create, the faster you will attract the things you most desire.
Step four: Review your goal daily.
No matter where you get the image(s) it's important that you look at the images and your written goal as many times a day as possible.
At the very least look at your image and review your goal once in the morning upon arising and just before you retire at night.
The act of utilizing your imagination, new, like-minded thoughts will come to you.
New thoughts of actions will occur to you.
They will be a natural outcome of your new vibration.
You could begin to notice that rather than fighting the action of eating better or getting to the gym to work out, you naturally will begin eating right or going to the gym.
In fact, you will be energized by this.