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How to Get Rid of Mildew in a Storage Room

    • 1). Identify the source of the mildew. A leaky window, puddle of water or crack in the wall may be feeding mildew growth. Remove any boxes or personal items surrounding the mildew-infested area and repair any cracks or leaks in your walls.

    • 2). Scrub mildew on walls, flooring or shelves with bleach. Mix 1/2 cup of bleach with 1 gallon of water. Use a sponge or scrub brush to clean the mildew from walls and flooring. Rinse with clean water and dry thoroughly with a towel.

    • 3). Brush dried mildew from fabric items, such as blankets. Use a scrub brush to remove as much mildew as possible before you wash the item in a washing machine. For white items, use traditional bleach. For colored or patterned items, select a color-friendly bleach product to kill the mildew spores.

    • 4). Run a fan in the storage room to dry up any remaining moisture. Proper ventilation is essential to remove mildew from the room and to prevent further mildew growth.

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