Business & Finance Corporations

Direct Selling in a Recession

Selling anything in a recession can be a difficult task at best.
There are a few things that you can do to have the best advantage possible if you aren't picky about what you are selling, however.
First of all, for the purposes of this article, I am talking about direct selling.
Direct selling is basically selling things on a personal level with a customer.
Going to their house, or calling them on the phone, etc.
Remember doing fundraisers when you were a kid and going door to door to sell candy bars? That was direct selling.
In a recession, people tend to scale back on just going to the mall and shopping or going to their favorite store to look around and impulse buy.
That is one reason why direct selling in a recession is a better way to go.
Plus, if you pick the right product to sell, you will hopefully be selling a consumable product that your new customer will want to re-stock, so to speak, and they will have to come to you to do it.
Now the question is, what product should you sell? Well, there are many fine products out there, but lets think about this for a minute.
You probably don't want to go the vacuum cleaner route.
I mean, I have seen some pretty awesome vacuum cleaners that come from door to door salesmen, but we are in a recession and those things are pretty pricey! It's going to be hard to get someone to buy an expensive item like that.
I am thinking more along the lines of things like make-up.
Something small and inexpensive and it has been shown that in a recession, make-up sales go up.
Women might not be able to go buy that expensive dress, but they can still afford to buy make-up and will.

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