Go Offline to Increase Website Traffic
That may sound contradictory, to go offline when you want to increase website traffic, because surely you want to always be online to promote website business, right..
? Wrong.
Of course you would love to have a flood of traffic coming to your site from online generation, and this is obviously never to be overlooked, but the idea of going offline to generate traffic is something which *is* overlooked - to a staggering degree.
If you think about it in the days before the internet, all business promotion was done offline.
It may be hard to think of a time when the internet wasn't as all pervasive as it is now, but it really wasn't that long ago.
Global major brands have jumped at the chance to use the web for business, as you'd expect, but have they suddenly stopped using offline methods? Of course not! You see the same adverts on TV, and at the movies, and on billboards.
You see the same adverts on the side of buses, and put through your letterbox, and slotted into your paper.
There is only one reason why you still see these methods used - they work.
If they stopped working, the global brands would stop using them, it's as simple as that.
The business know that for every dollar they spend, they get more than that dollar back in profit, so it would be business lunacy for them not to carry on with those methods! The classified advert still has massive potential.
A correctly structured small block of words can have vast amounts of people wanting to give you business, because you have targeted your readers.
Online classifieds do work, but less so, because a lot of people online go to classifieds with more of an interest to place ads rather than read them.
This is totally different offline, where people will see classifieds in the magazines which appeal to their interest, so they actively seek out the classifieds to see what they offer.
Direct mail works in the same way, and internet marketers are leaving huge amounts of money on the table, by just not applying this method.
Many people simply have not considered it as a possibility.
If you have a website that has local relevance, make sure all the local people know about it! How about a simple postcard letterbox campaign? One massive advantage the internet has over the old methods, is cost.
Back then as you can imagine, the cost of a full colour multi-page brochure was prohibitive, an you'd have to lay out that cost before you saw any money coming back in.
Good profit potential, but risky for losses if you get it wrong.
Online, you can put a full colour sales pitch together which is a long as you want, totally for free! This means that for your offline promotion, you can rely on cheap postcards and classifieds - if they are worded correctly your sole aim is to get them to the site, and it's there that your pitch will begin.
It's amazing how many people do not take advantage of the offline promotion methods.
It's easy to get caught up in SEO or other online traffic generation, when the answer may well be going offline to increase website traffic.
? Wrong.
Of course you would love to have a flood of traffic coming to your site from online generation, and this is obviously never to be overlooked, but the idea of going offline to generate traffic is something which *is* overlooked - to a staggering degree.
If you think about it in the days before the internet, all business promotion was done offline.
It may be hard to think of a time when the internet wasn't as all pervasive as it is now, but it really wasn't that long ago.
Global major brands have jumped at the chance to use the web for business, as you'd expect, but have they suddenly stopped using offline methods? Of course not! You see the same adverts on TV, and at the movies, and on billboards.
You see the same adverts on the side of buses, and put through your letterbox, and slotted into your paper.
There is only one reason why you still see these methods used - they work.
If they stopped working, the global brands would stop using them, it's as simple as that.
The business know that for every dollar they spend, they get more than that dollar back in profit, so it would be business lunacy for them not to carry on with those methods! The classified advert still has massive potential.
A correctly structured small block of words can have vast amounts of people wanting to give you business, because you have targeted your readers.
Online classifieds do work, but less so, because a lot of people online go to classifieds with more of an interest to place ads rather than read them.
This is totally different offline, where people will see classifieds in the magazines which appeal to their interest, so they actively seek out the classifieds to see what they offer.
Direct mail works in the same way, and internet marketers are leaving huge amounts of money on the table, by just not applying this method.
Many people simply have not considered it as a possibility.
If you have a website that has local relevance, make sure all the local people know about it! How about a simple postcard letterbox campaign? One massive advantage the internet has over the old methods, is cost.
Back then as you can imagine, the cost of a full colour multi-page brochure was prohibitive, an you'd have to lay out that cost before you saw any money coming back in.
Good profit potential, but risky for losses if you get it wrong.
Online, you can put a full colour sales pitch together which is a long as you want, totally for free! This means that for your offline promotion, you can rely on cheap postcards and classifieds - if they are worded correctly your sole aim is to get them to the site, and it's there that your pitch will begin.
It's amazing how many people do not take advantage of the offline promotion methods.
It's easy to get caught up in SEO or other online traffic generation, when the answer may well be going offline to increase website traffic.