Field Dressing Deer Instructions
- Slowly walk up to the deer and ensure that it is, indeed, dead. After you're positive, unload your rifle and carefully place it out of your way. Fill out the tag and place it on the deer as per your state's regulations. You can also remove your jacket or any other articles you don't want stained with blood. You should, however, have some blaze orange hanging nearby so that other hunters are aware of your presence. Roll the deer onto its back and you're ready to begin.
- Find the bottom of the deer's breastbone or sternum and grip the hide, pulling it up. Make a small incision with your knife, cutting through the hide and abdominal wall. Using your off hand, slip two fingers into the incision and form a "V." Use your fingers as a guide for the knife. Gently slide the knife into the incision so that the blade is facing upward. Tilt the blade back slightly so that you do no cut any internal organs. This is important, as any ruptured organs will contaminate the meat. Guide the knife in a straight line toward the deer's pelvis. Cut until you reach the deer's genitalia, then cut around it on both sides.
You're now ready to remove the deer's anus, urinary tract and reproductive organs. Carefully cut a 2-inch circle around the deer's rectum and reproductive organ (if it is a doe). The incision should be approximately 4 inches deep. Tie off the rectum with string or a rubber band to prevent fecal matter from contaminating the meat. Remove connective tissue if necessary to pull the anus and reproductive organs back into the body cavity of the deer. Also carefully remove the urinary tract by tying off the urine duct that runs from the bladder.
You are now almost done. All that remains is cutting through the diaphragm, which is the sheet of tissue separating the abdominal cavity from the ribcage. After you've cut through the diaphragm, reach inside to pull out the heart, lungs, windpipe and esophagus. Set aside the heart and liver if you wish to save them and then turn the deer over to allow its entrails to spill out of the body.
Secure your rope and drag the deer out of the woods. Once home, immediately remove the hide and cool the meat.