Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Pollen Allergy? How You Can Enjoy Houseplants Without Suffering

So does having pollen allergies mean you're doomed to using plastic flowers or worse...
a household without plants? No.
You can keep real houseplants as part of your decorating scheme.
Read on to discover how you can easily resolve this conflict between your allergies and fresh plants within the comfort of your own home.
First, there are some houseplants that have a low pollen count, and are less likely to set your eyes to watering and your nose to running.
These include:
  • begonias
  • croton
  • passionflower
  • nasturtium
  • miniature roses
  • peace lilies
  • Swedish ivy
  • peperomia
  • bay
  • thyme
  • parsley
These and other low-pollen houseplants will make your home look and smell beautiful, but won't trigger your itchy eyes, runny nose or sneezing.
Ask around at your local florist or garden center for others.
Just as with artificial plants and flowers, dust will settle on plants and contribute to your allergy symptoms.
When you are doing your cleaning routine, make sure you give your plants a wipe with a damp cloth to remove any dust that has accumulated on the leaves.
Of course, don't use a cleaning solution...
just a bit of water will do.
You can also mist your houseplants regularly to wash away any dust that has accumulated on them.
Make sure you don't over-water your houseplants, as this will encourage mold to grow on the soil and mold can trigger allergies.
Keep an eye on the surface of the soil for mold growth and, if you see any, remove the top layer of soil or re-pot your plant.
When you are re-potting your houseplants, always use fresh, sterile potting soil.
It is tempting, especially in this age of reusing and recycling, to use the same soil, but if you have allergies then you may be exposing yourself to mold or other irritants.
If you have a yard, or know someone with an outdoor garden or composter, you can pass on your used soil to them.
Also, consider using an air purifier that has a filter for trapping pollen and other fine particulates.
This will help keep any pollen in the air from drifting around and landing on other surfaces, which will trigger allergies.
If you decide to get an air purifier, make sure to pick one that goes beyond resolving your allergies and provides you with a clean and healthy lifestyle.
Pollen allergies don't mean you have to avoid houseplants forever! Just follow these tips, and you'll be well on your way to enjoying the beauty of houseplants around your home...

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