Is There a Cure For Hives?
I'm guessing that as you are reading this article right now you either suffer with chronic hives or you know someone who does.
Hives or Urticaria? Actually both conditions are the same, perhaps that sounds confusing but Urticaria is actually the medical term for the condition commonly known as hives.
The following article is written for those who suffer with a condition called Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria.
Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria is basically a severe version of hives or urticaria which is categorised as having lasted longer than six weeks, that could be a consistent urticaria outbreak or a series of urticaria outbreaks which recur for more than six weeks.
The term Idiopathic describes a condition which has no apparent reason or cause.
So, Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria basically means a severe version of urticaria which has no apparent cause or reason.
Most of what I have just said will come as no surprise to the many of us who have suffered or still suffer with chronic hives.
The problem we face is that many people, even those in the medical profession often consider our condition as just a simple allergy, but this analogy is very wrong.
Although the symptoms and perhaps the triggers of chronic idiopathic urticaria are the same as acute hives (urticaria) or that of a simple allergic reaction, the reasons are very different.
It's important to know the difference between reason or cause and trigger as they are not the same for people who suffer with chronic idiopathic urticaria.
What Causes Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria? Although you might think that because your condition is termed as 'Idiopathic', and as I just explained Idiopathic means 'no apparent reason', that you will never know the reason for your condition.
Well, It's complicated, but your chronic idiopathic urticaria can be explained.
The Idiopathic part only relates to the trigger and not the reason.
Your urticaria is almost certainly as the result of an autoimmune disorder.
Autoimmunity is the reason most of us suffer with conditions such as chronic urticaria & unfortunately we are in most cases born with a predisposition to suffer with the problem as we grow up.
How to cure hives! If you're looking for a cure for hives, & I mean chronic hives there is an answer, but it won't come in the form of a pill or cream.
Before you can ever hope to stop your chronic urticaria you have to understand that allergy tests, steroids, antihistamines and a whole host of natural methods will only ever help as a chronic hives treatment in the short term.
Most chronic urticaria treatments address the symptoms by blocking histamine release & they do work, but let me tell you that your condition is getting worse while you are tinkering around the edges.
Allergy Testing Allergy tests may be able to pinpoint triggers, that's 'triggers' and not the cause.
But, and it's a real but, If you go back and get tested again you will often find the test to be very different to the first.
It's true, your triggers, i.
the allergen which triggers an allergic response (Urticaria outbreak) can change by the day, maybe even by the hour.
Natural Urticaria Treatments If you have been looking for a cure for hives then I'm sure you have come across some of the many hives remedies, perhaps you have even tried a few, how did that work out for you?.
The problem with many of the natural urticaria treatment methods is that they have been passed around over the years and have often lost some of the key elements which made them work in the first place.
Either they miss something or their understanding of the condition is not quite correct and therefore the hives remedy they detail is flawed from the start.
The Answer - Urticaria Relief Having said all that, and I apologise if it all sounds a little scary, there is an answer.
You can beat your condition.
You can do it, anyone can, but you have to start at the beginning, you have to understand that you are suffering with an autoimmune disorder and not an allergy.
You may have been born with a predisposition to suffering with one form of autoimmune disorder or another (in our case chronic urticaria), but that doesn't mean you have to just put up with it.
The gene which is responsible for your condition is harmless and dormant until it is activated, this is, in most cases, as a result of toxic build up.
Over time the toxins increase to a level which the body is unable to tolerate making the immune system hypersensitive to allergens (triggers) which in turn causes chronic urticaria.
By addressing certain elements you can reverse your condition to a point where you no longer suffer with chronic urticaria.
Hives or Urticaria? Actually both conditions are the same, perhaps that sounds confusing but Urticaria is actually the medical term for the condition commonly known as hives.
The following article is written for those who suffer with a condition called Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria.
Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria is basically a severe version of hives or urticaria which is categorised as having lasted longer than six weeks, that could be a consistent urticaria outbreak or a series of urticaria outbreaks which recur for more than six weeks.
The term Idiopathic describes a condition which has no apparent reason or cause.
So, Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria basically means a severe version of urticaria which has no apparent cause or reason.
Most of what I have just said will come as no surprise to the many of us who have suffered or still suffer with chronic hives.
The problem we face is that many people, even those in the medical profession often consider our condition as just a simple allergy, but this analogy is very wrong.
Although the symptoms and perhaps the triggers of chronic idiopathic urticaria are the same as acute hives (urticaria) or that of a simple allergic reaction, the reasons are very different.
It's important to know the difference between reason or cause and trigger as they are not the same for people who suffer with chronic idiopathic urticaria.
What Causes Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria? Although you might think that because your condition is termed as 'Idiopathic', and as I just explained Idiopathic means 'no apparent reason', that you will never know the reason for your condition.
Well, It's complicated, but your chronic idiopathic urticaria can be explained.
The Idiopathic part only relates to the trigger and not the reason.
Your urticaria is almost certainly as the result of an autoimmune disorder.
Autoimmunity is the reason most of us suffer with conditions such as chronic urticaria & unfortunately we are in most cases born with a predisposition to suffer with the problem as we grow up.
How to cure hives! If you're looking for a cure for hives, & I mean chronic hives there is an answer, but it won't come in the form of a pill or cream.
Before you can ever hope to stop your chronic urticaria you have to understand that allergy tests, steroids, antihistamines and a whole host of natural methods will only ever help as a chronic hives treatment in the short term.
Most chronic urticaria treatments address the symptoms by blocking histamine release & they do work, but let me tell you that your condition is getting worse while you are tinkering around the edges.
Allergy Testing Allergy tests may be able to pinpoint triggers, that's 'triggers' and not the cause.
But, and it's a real but, If you go back and get tested again you will often find the test to be very different to the first.
It's true, your triggers, i.
the allergen which triggers an allergic response (Urticaria outbreak) can change by the day, maybe even by the hour.
Natural Urticaria Treatments If you have been looking for a cure for hives then I'm sure you have come across some of the many hives remedies, perhaps you have even tried a few, how did that work out for you?.
The problem with many of the natural urticaria treatment methods is that they have been passed around over the years and have often lost some of the key elements which made them work in the first place.
Either they miss something or their understanding of the condition is not quite correct and therefore the hives remedy they detail is flawed from the start.
The Answer - Urticaria Relief Having said all that, and I apologise if it all sounds a little scary, there is an answer.
You can beat your condition.
You can do it, anyone can, but you have to start at the beginning, you have to understand that you are suffering with an autoimmune disorder and not an allergy.
You may have been born with a predisposition to suffering with one form of autoimmune disorder or another (in our case chronic urticaria), but that doesn't mean you have to just put up with it.
The gene which is responsible for your condition is harmless and dormant until it is activated, this is, in most cases, as a result of toxic build up.
Over time the toxins increase to a level which the body is unable to tolerate making the immune system hypersensitive to allergens (triggers) which in turn causes chronic urticaria.
By addressing certain elements you can reverse your condition to a point where you no longer suffer with chronic urticaria.