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Hot Tub Concrete Pad Guidelines for New York

Hot tubs and spas are popular in the United States with nearly 80 percent of all hot tubs installed outside in the backyard or a separate building. Concrete slabs are primarily used when installing a new hot tub, because they require little maintenance. There are alternative pads made of pre-fabricated material and may cost less than a concrete pad, but require more maintenance.

Concrete Slab Spa Pads
In New York, temperatures vary from a low of the mid 20s to the high 80s F. This fluctuation in temperature causes changes in the ground which can cause foundation cracks if concrete forms are not set properly and the concrete is not thick enough to withstand changes. It is recommended for hot tubs in NY to have pads at least 4 inches thick and capable of supporting more than 115 pounds per square foot. Refer to the spa manufacturer's recommendations to ensure proper pad installation. If the spa pad is not adequate, damage may occur to the hot tub or hot tub parts which will not be covered by warranty.

Framing a Pad
- Add a one-foot border around the outside of the tub to calculate the dimensions of the pad. If the spa is 6 foot by 6 foot, the pad should be 7 foot by 7 foot and 4 inches thick.
- Clear the area of all plants, grass and soil to a 4 inch depth and 7 foot by 7 foot width and length.
- Spray water on cleared area, then compact and level the installation area.
- Frame the area with 2 inch by 4 inch boards inside the installation area to form a square frame. Use a level to be sure the boards are level, then nail the frame together.
- Drive metal stakes around the perimeter of the frame until upper edges are level to give it structural stability.
- Spread a layer of crushed gravel inside the frame.

Pouring Concrete
- Contact a local concrete supplier or mix concrete according to manufacturer's directions.
- Pour a layer of concrete to 1-and-a-half- inch depth, then lay wire mesh to add stability to the finished project. Pour the remaining concrete over the wire mesh.
- Tap the outer frame with a hammer to release any trapped air bubbles.
- Level the concrete by using a 2-inch by 4-inch board in a sawing motion across the surface of the concrete.
- Allow the concrete to dry for 24 hours before removing the frame.

Follow the hot tub manufacturer's suggestions for additional installation information.

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