Health & Medical Lose Weight

How do I Become Skinny?

    • 1). Plan to consume between 300 to 500 fewer calories per day. Eat meals in smaller portions or eat snacks throughout the day instead of three main meals. This holds back hunger and prevents eating splurges. According to Family Doctor, "Some people benefit more if they eat 5 to 6 smaller meals throughout the day, about 2 to 3 hours apart."

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      Exercise is essential to become skinny.running image by Byron Moore from

      Exercise, even if it's modest. Plan out an exercise regimen that is achievable and easy. Make time for the exercise on a daily basis. According to Web MD,"The two things that stop people from losing weight with exercise are either boredom or injury."

    • 3). Make simple changes, such as parking farther away or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Replace sugary drinks with cold water, and limit your consumption of alcohol.

    • 4). Use exercise to bond with someone, such as a friend or family member. If you are spending time with someone while exercising it's often more enjoyable, and will compel you to continue exercising.

    • 5). Stay home to eat. Eating out is expensive and can be unhealthy. The portions are generally large, and food is filled with as much fat and sugar as possible to make it taste good. If you do wish to continue eating out choose healthier options such as soup or a salad.

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      Track the weight loss achieved.scale image by PinkShot from

      Track your progress using a scale. Don't set a goal with your weight, instead set goals to exercise and eat right. View weight loss as the silver lining to following through with a healthier lifestyle, instead of focusing on a certain number. According to National Heart Blood and Lung Institute, "Shaping is a behavioral technique in which you select a series of short-term goals that get closer and closer to the ultimate goal."

    • 7). If exercise and dietary changes aren't enough then consider using prescription weight loss medication. This option should only be considered when all other options have failed and excess weight is imposing health problems.

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