#1 Way to Get Work Done While Your Kids Are Home
It is summer time and the kids are out of school.
They are ready for sun and fun, but there is just one problem...
you still have to get some work done.
I love my ten year old son (and his friends) dearly, but OMG is it hard to find time to work.
During the summer I am expected to play games, haul kids to the pool, go to amusement parks and birthday parties, feed my son-and sometimes others- three meals a day, and other such tasks I don't have to worry about during the school year.
I try to explain to my son that I have work I have to do, but while I am working he proceeds to ask me about 50 questions...
Are you done yet? When can we go to the pool? What are we having for lunch? How many more minutes now? I tried to suggest several activities for hime to do, but after about ten minutes he always came back with an "I'm bored!" After a few weeks a realized I can not go on like this.
I had to think of some ways to amuse my son while I was getting some work done.
At my wits end, I decided that I was going to have my son help me work.
He wasn't goint to leave me with a seconds peace, so I started thinking of little ways he could be useful.
I asked him to run mail out to the mailbox, put stamps and address labels on envelopes, shred paper, empty trash cans, staple packets, and other small tasks.
Did you ever think maybe you should go through your stash of pens and throw away the bad ones, or organize your rubberbands and paper clips by size? These are good jobs to give your kids.
To my surprise my son loves helping me and we get to spend time together.
Also, because he helps me with these little things, I get done a little faster.
That means we get to the fun quicker! I also find that my son has a better understanding of what I do.
You know, once school starts in the fall, I am going to miss my helper.
Oh well...
I guess I will have to make those trips to the mailbox myself.
They are ready for sun and fun, but there is just one problem...
you still have to get some work done.
I love my ten year old son (and his friends) dearly, but OMG is it hard to find time to work.
During the summer I am expected to play games, haul kids to the pool, go to amusement parks and birthday parties, feed my son-and sometimes others- three meals a day, and other such tasks I don't have to worry about during the school year.
I try to explain to my son that I have work I have to do, but while I am working he proceeds to ask me about 50 questions...
Are you done yet? When can we go to the pool? What are we having for lunch? How many more minutes now? I tried to suggest several activities for hime to do, but after about ten minutes he always came back with an "I'm bored!" After a few weeks a realized I can not go on like this.
I had to think of some ways to amuse my son while I was getting some work done.
At my wits end, I decided that I was going to have my son help me work.
He wasn't goint to leave me with a seconds peace, so I started thinking of little ways he could be useful.
I asked him to run mail out to the mailbox, put stamps and address labels on envelopes, shred paper, empty trash cans, staple packets, and other small tasks.
Did you ever think maybe you should go through your stash of pens and throw away the bad ones, or organize your rubberbands and paper clips by size? These are good jobs to give your kids.
To my surprise my son loves helping me and we get to spend time together.
Also, because he helps me with these little things, I get done a little faster.
That means we get to the fun quicker! I also find that my son has a better understanding of what I do.
You know, once school starts in the fall, I am going to miss my helper.
Oh well...
I guess I will have to make those trips to the mailbox myself.