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The Paint Is Peeling With My Wallpaper Removal


    • To effectively remove wallpaper, you must loosen the adhesives, using water. Unfortunately, most wallpaper is waterproof. Scour the wallpaper with a hand-held wallpaper scorer. This will cut tiny holes in the paper that will allow water to penetrate.

    Adding Water

    • Once you've scored the wallpaper, saturate a 2-by-2-foot area with warm water. Use a sponge to apply the water. Let it soak against the surface for at least a minute, then peel the wallpaper away. Ease the process by using a putty knife, if necessary. Proceed until you've eliminated all of the wallpaper.

    Heat Gun

    • Some wallpaper adhesives prove stubborn. If you're having trouble removing the wallpaper using the preceding techniques, use a heat gun to loosen the adhesives. Add water to the wallpaper, and then hold the heat gun about an inch from the surface. This will warm the underlying adhesive and cause it to release its hold on the underlying paint.

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