7 Ways To Be More Green
Some say that global warming and the affects of climate change is a natural occurrence.
Some say its man's destructive influence on our planet which causes these global catastrophes, through manufacturing and providing us with fuel etc.
So who do we believe? The fact is if we cover our land with plastic rubbish, hazardous chemicals and other forms of pollution the damage is absolutely inevitable.
Would you agree? There are over 30 million tones of rubbish being produced every year and only 10 per-cent is recycled.
There will be a need for more landfill sites to store our rotting waste not too far into the future and where will they go? Perhaps there will be one close to where you live, can you imagine the smell? With the amount of rubbish currently being produced it would take 1 week to fill Wimberley stadium.
What can we do to help? Here is 7 simple ways we can all help 1.
Over 150 million plastic bags are used every week.
They last for hundreds of years and each one preserves its contents in a landfill site.
There are a few biodegradable bags on the market but they need moisture and sunlight to start the breaking down process otherwise under tones of rubbish they lie as dormant as the rest.
The answer is D2w bags.
They will break down no matter what the condition within months.
There are about 15 billion alkaline batteries thrown away every year.
Use rechargeable ones to reduce the amount of acid and other chemicals escaping into the ground.
There are available rechargeable cells which plug into a USB port eliminating the need for a recharger.
Mostly, engine combustion is incomplete due to the molecular clusters of hydrocarbon fuel.
In normal cases, only about 70 per-cent of the total burnt fuel provides the real power, with 30 per-cent of the fuel wasted.
A universal fuel saver attached to the fuel line will economise and reduce pollution 4.
Millions of people all over the country are using products for cleaning, washing etc and most of these products contain controversial chemicals.
It's said that the average woman comes in contact with over 5000 controversial chemicals each day including chemicals found in make up.
By looking for products with natural ingredients will not only be better for your health but it will prevent these dangerous chemicals entering our lakes and rivers.
Replace all light bulbs with energy saving ones.
By fitting 1 energy saving bulb will save you on average £2.
50 per year, times that by the amount of lights in your house.
Installing solar panels may seem expensive but in the long run they can save you money.
Your heating will be powered by the sun and there for cost you nothing.
It is also possible to increase the value of your home also there is a tax reduction for homes which supply there own electricity.
There is also available photovoltaic (PV) solar panels which power's the mains in the house 7.
Home made compost is an excellent way of recycling all your food and garden waste.
A massive 27 percent of all household waste is compostable.
Add to that to the 10 percent of materials already being recycled and you can see the potential to seriously combat our national and even global waste problem, providing we all do the same.
Some say its man's destructive influence on our planet which causes these global catastrophes, through manufacturing and providing us with fuel etc.
So who do we believe? The fact is if we cover our land with plastic rubbish, hazardous chemicals and other forms of pollution the damage is absolutely inevitable.
Would you agree? There are over 30 million tones of rubbish being produced every year and only 10 per-cent is recycled.
There will be a need for more landfill sites to store our rotting waste not too far into the future and where will they go? Perhaps there will be one close to where you live, can you imagine the smell? With the amount of rubbish currently being produced it would take 1 week to fill Wimberley stadium.
What can we do to help? Here is 7 simple ways we can all help 1.
Over 150 million plastic bags are used every week.
They last for hundreds of years and each one preserves its contents in a landfill site.
There are a few biodegradable bags on the market but they need moisture and sunlight to start the breaking down process otherwise under tones of rubbish they lie as dormant as the rest.
The answer is D2w bags.
They will break down no matter what the condition within months.
There are about 15 billion alkaline batteries thrown away every year.
Use rechargeable ones to reduce the amount of acid and other chemicals escaping into the ground.
There are available rechargeable cells which plug into a USB port eliminating the need for a recharger.
Mostly, engine combustion is incomplete due to the molecular clusters of hydrocarbon fuel.
In normal cases, only about 70 per-cent of the total burnt fuel provides the real power, with 30 per-cent of the fuel wasted.
A universal fuel saver attached to the fuel line will economise and reduce pollution 4.
Millions of people all over the country are using products for cleaning, washing etc and most of these products contain controversial chemicals.
It's said that the average woman comes in contact with over 5000 controversial chemicals each day including chemicals found in make up.
By looking for products with natural ingredients will not only be better for your health but it will prevent these dangerous chemicals entering our lakes and rivers.
Replace all light bulbs with energy saving ones.
By fitting 1 energy saving bulb will save you on average £2.
50 per year, times that by the amount of lights in your house.
Installing solar panels may seem expensive but in the long run they can save you money.
Your heating will be powered by the sun and there for cost you nothing.
It is also possible to increase the value of your home also there is a tax reduction for homes which supply there own electricity.
There is also available photovoltaic (PV) solar panels which power's the mains in the house 7.
Home made compost is an excellent way of recycling all your food and garden waste.
A massive 27 percent of all household waste is compostable.
Add to that to the 10 percent of materials already being recycled and you can see the potential to seriously combat our national and even global waste problem, providing we all do the same.