How to Do a Promo on Tumblr
- 1). Click the Text button on the Tumblr dashboard to begin the promotional post. Create a title in the Title field of the new post. The title should catch the attention of your followers or other users on the site.
- 2). Write a short message in the Post field about the promotion. Include reasons why others should pay attention to the blog you are promoting. Clever or intriguing statements fare better in capturing attention than cliché phrases such as "Follow this user, they are my best friend." Be sure to include the topic of the blog you are promoting, or the interests of the blog's owner.
- 3). Copy and paste the blog's URL into your post to automatically create a link to the blog. It is a good idea to additionally post the blog's name after the link due to link-visibility issues with certain Tumblr themes.
- 4). Click the "Upload Photo" button above the new post to add an image from your computer, if desired. Images can also be added using html. Consider choosing an image from the blog you are promoting to keep the post relevant.
- 5). Add tags to your post by typing keywords such as 'promo', 'promotion' and words that describe the blog you are promoting in the Tag field. Tagging these posts will allow the Tumblr network to easily discover your post and the person you are promoting.
- 6). Click "Create Post" at the bottom of the page. The post will then be shown on the dashboard of all of your followers. It can also be found by other users on the site that tracks the tags you used in the Tag field.