Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Free Ringtones - Things You Must Know About Paid and Free Ringtones

The cell phone has evolved from being the basic mobile communication device to a complete entertainment package.
Customizing your cell phone with ringtones and wallpapers of your choice gives you an opportunity to tell the world what kind of person you are.
Not just free ring tones and wall papers but also WAP, Games, Music, Video and lot of other features are built-in new generation mobile phones now.
Downloading free ringtones is a fun activity but you must be cautious enough to avoid infecting your cell phones with virus and malicious software which might cost your hundreds of dollars later.
It is not that every free ring tone is full of risk but there are certain things that must be kept in mind before you go for the free stuff available on the internet and mobile networks.
Facts of Free ringtones oWhen the copyright period of the original music is over; it is available for free use.
That is when you get ringtones free of cost.
oNew music available for free are often for promotional purpose therefore you can use them only for a limited period.
oWebsites claiming to provide you with free download of each and every ringtone might be using pirated versions of the original music which is an illegal activity.
oFree stuff including games, ringtones, themes or any cell phone software might infect your phone with adware or virus.
oThese kinds of offers are often targeted at teenagers who are very quick to use the latest features of cell phones and other gadgets.
oDo not forget to read the terms and conditions of the websites from where you download either free or paid ringtones.
oRingtone providers need to pay a royalty to the original music company for using the tones therefore they charge the customer a small amount.
As already mentioned above that every free ringtone offer is not a scam therefore you must go through the details of the offer very carefully before clicking the submit button.
Paying a few dollars for ringtones of your choice is often a better deal instead of going for free stuff.

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