Health & Medical Women's Health

Yeast Infection in Women - Natural Solutions

Yeast is naturally found in places throughout the body.
It is found in the intestines, vagina, mouth and on the skin.
Although a yeast infection does not pose a danger, it is uncomfortable and painful no matter the location.
Typically, when a woman has an infection it occurs in the vagina.
However, an overgrowth of yeast may happen in several other places besides the vagina.
This type of infection is known as Candida albicans.
It is a fungus that thrives due to an environment that is too high in acid.
Consuming a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates, which promotes higher levels of acid in the body, contributes to this imbalance.
The reasons why women get yeast infections are varied and widespread.
Some causes are the overuse of antibiotics, too much stress, excessive douching, pregnancy, diabetes, or chemotherapy treatments.
A large culprit is a compromised immune system due to an underlying disease.
Other reasons include wearing underwear too tightly, overusing feminine perfumes or sprays, or perhaps using scented tampons or pads.
Eating a diet high in sugar and the over consumption of alcohol or drugs greatly increases the chance of getting a yeast infection since they naturally lower the immune system.
Many women suffer from itching, redness and burning, a foul order emanating from the vagina or a creamy white discharge when they endure a yeast infection.
Typically, the infection is treated with a drugstore cream or a prescribed antibiotic from their doctor.
This works well for temporary relief.
However, usually the infection will return at some point in the future.
In order to effectively stop a reoccurring yeast infection in women, a more holistic and natural approach should be considered.
Modifying your diet should be first and foremost when trying to eliminate or prevent a yeast infection.
Yeast feeds yeast.
Foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates are the food that feeds the yeast.
Other things to do that will keep a yeast infection away are maintaining your personal hygiene, getting enough rest, wearing clothes that fit comfortably and wearing underwear that are made from cotton.
Try to avoid taking an antibiotic if possible.
Antibiotics are a big culprit in upsetting the balance of bacteria in yeast throughout the entire body.
All of these things combined will definitely help.
The best long-term treatments for a yeast infection in women are the ones that come from Mother Nature.
Try drinking a few glasses of fresh water with a splash of organic apple cider vinegar every day.
This will do wonders for maintaining a healthy ratio of acid and alkaline in your system.
Chopping up a fresh clove of garlic and consuming the pieces raw kills Candida instantly.
Lastly, consider taking a strong high quality probiotic on a daily basis.
This will protect the good bacteria in your body and keep your immune system strong.

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