Health & Medical Acne

Some Real Facts About Treatment The Acne

Acne has always been much written about.
Journalists, dermatologists, scientists, cosmetologists, endocrinologists have written about it.
Besides, every year in the scientific editions there appear plenty of articles with new experimental data which allow better understanding of the process leading to acne and determining the factors which influence the course of the illness.
These publications say that now there are many effective preparations for anti-acne struggle.
They are convenient in applying and have less collateral effects than the previous means.
For those who want to solve the skin problems with the help of professionals there are various clinics, cosmetic salons and other institutions suggesting acne treatment.
Acne is known to be a chronic disease which arises because of complex action of many factors from which hormonal factors are the leading.
It is known also that the majority of means used for acne treatment influence only a symptom of disease but not its reason.
That's why in acne treatment it is important not simply to cure acne rash, but also to develop a strategy of supporting care of the skin after the end of the course of treatment.
The most widespread approach to the acne treatment is assignment of antibiotics.
There is no doubt that antibiotics are the most reliable means to overcome the inflammation and to warn the occurrence of irreversible post-inflammatory changes of skin.
But is it possible to consider them to be means of acne treatment? And is it possible to consider long application of the same antibiotic reasonable? However, it is necessary to note that quite often the initiative of long application of antibiotics belongs to patients.
Having been delighted that means helps, they apply to it all their hopes.

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