Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Serious Injuries that were not your fault

If you have been the innocent victim of an accident which has led to an amputation you may be able to make a personal injury claim for compensation.  Amputations can sometimes be necessary after a clinical negligence has occurred and if a body part has been badly damaged in an accident or suffers a serious infection it may need to be surgically amputated as a last resort if it cannot be saved.

You can claim an amount for the pain and suffering you have endured as a result of the injury and amputation but there are many other factors which also need to be taken into account such as lost earnings and adaptations to lifestyle (including prosthetics and artificial limbs if applicable)as a result of the amputation. After suffering a serious injury such as an amputation you will probably need ongoing medical treatment for some time. Cost of any medical treatment including rehabilitation and prescription costs can all be included as part of your claim for compensation.

Avoiding a misdiagnosis of these serious injuries involving infection should be a priority so where medical negligence can be proven victims are entitled to a claim for amputation compensation. In cases involving serious injuries such as amputations it is important that you have an experienced solicitor dealing with your personal injury claim for damages.

What should you do after suffering a serious injury?

a. Take Notes After an Accident or Injury
The first thing you should do after you are injured is write down everything you can about your accident, not forgetting details of your injuries and their effect on your daily life. These notes can be very useful some months later, when you put together all the important facts into a final demand for a compensation claim. When you have notes to remind you of the details of what happened, what you went through, is both easier and more reliable than counting on your memory.

b. Preserve Evidence
The physical evidence from the accident comes in many forms and the first is pictures and video that have become increasingly easier to gather. If you can, you or someone at the scene should take photos of the area any damaged properties, the vehicles involved, and your injuries. You should also see if there are any nearby buildings with outside surveillance cameras that may have captured the crash on video. Also your damaged vehicle and property is also an important type of physical evidence. Also when your vehicle is towed away from the scene of accident, find out exactly where it is going and instruct the towing company to keep it intact until it can be examined for evidence.

c. Get Your Medical Records After an Injury
Personal injury damages award always includes the cost of medical care that is associated with the accident reimbursement for treatment you've already received and compensation for the estimated cost of medical care you'll need in the future because of the accident.
Also your injuries are an important part of your physical evidence as your medical records should be able to properly record your injuries and medical damages. Make sure you keep copies of all the medical bills, the receipts for repairs, the receipts for replacements of damaged properties and invoices for any personal services or medical assistance.

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