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How to Draw Throw Up Graffiti

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      Sketch out the basic frame of the letters that you wish to create. Keep in mind that throw-up graffiti letter need to have much wider bases to the letter and large curves. For example, A, H, F and E, will all have wide bases and a narrower tops that resemble trapezoid shapes. Round letter like B, D, C, G, O, P, R and Q will have large curves that get wider at the bottom than the top. Make the top curves of these letter droop slightly as if the letter itself is "baggy".

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      Complete the frame work for the letters by drawing wide parallel lines around the inside of your frame. Make sure that the rounded letters have very small holes inside them as if the letter is filled with air like a balloon. Keep the bagginess of the letters when doing this, however. Overlap the letters so the left letter looks like it is slightly on top of the right letter.

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      Draw parallel lines around each letter to create a thick and bold outline. Erase any guidelines inside the throw-up graffiti letters that you do not wish to keep. Ink the borders of all your letters and shapes with a black ink pen.

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      Color the throw-up graffiti letters with bold and bright colors. Add shadows to the under side and left side of each letter with a color that is two shades darker than your base color. This will give the letters some thickness and dimension.

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