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Using Psychic Ability To Save Money

You can use your psychic ability to assist you in making the correct financial decisions that will help you save money during these economically hard times. This is a short unconventional psychic guide designed to help you accomplish that goal.

Psychic abilities are those gifts of nature that enable you to sense something that is beyond the capacity of your five senses. These abilities include but are not limited to telepathy, premonition, clairvoyance, and psychometry.

We are all born with psychic abilities to varying degrees. These are natural abilities of the human mind that we all possess to some extent. You may doubt that these abilities exist within you but if you concentrate and practice them you will be surprised to find that you have greater abilities than you ever dreamed.

Intuition is a socially accepted term for psychic awareness. It is a kind of inner wisdom which springs up on its own whenever the need arises. Intuition has been given several names such as gut feeling, hunch, and sixth sense.

The only difference between you and a psychic is that you tend to ignore your intuition in favor of common sense. This is dangerous if you are trying to develop your intuition. If you continue to ignore it over a course of time it stops manifesting itself. If you don't use it, you lose it!

Little thought is given to the fact that your intuition is emotionally charged. If you learn to pay attention to your emotions you will become more in tune with your intuition. Believe it or not, your emotions play a major role with your intuition.

As a very basic example, let's say that you are in a store and you see something that you want to purchase. Your initial thought, which is your gut feeling, is a dreaded type of feeling. In other words, it does not feel good. You proceed to pick up the item and while holding it in your hand the feeling you receive from the item doesn't make you feel good either.

However, you have been wanting the item for awhile and you really want to purchase it. You rationalize, begin calculating, and decide to make the purchase anyway.

You have decided to ignore your intuition which told you in a couple of ways that you should have forfeited the purchase. First of all, you did not initially feel good about purchasing it and when you held it in your hands the vibration from the item was not a good one.

Many will make the purchase in spite of the initial feeling. However, whenever your emotions indicate that something does not feel good, go with it. If you pick up something and it does not feel good to the touch (psychometry), let it go and listen to the signals you are receiving. That is your intuition telling you that this is an unwise financial decision. In this instance, save the money!

You have certain natural psychic abilities that you were born with simply because you are human. With practice you can fine tune or hone these skills so that they become more useful.

These psychic abilities are not hard to acquire nor to hone. They are not restricted to a few gifted folks. You will simply need to practice by getting in a relaxed state of mind and body by using regular meditation exercises and visualization sessions.

For example, you can visualize yourself depositing large sums of money into your savings account. Or visualize how you saved money on an otherwise large expenditure.

Visualize yourself receiving a long-awaited commission or bonus from your employer. Or simply visualize yourself in a situation where you are saving the amount of money you desire.

Psychic abilities, even for those who have developed them to a high degree, can be unpredictable and erratic at times. So if at first you do not succeed don't write yourself off as hopeless. Keep practicing, keep meditating and keep visualizing until you find that your hunches are becoming more accurate.

We are all gifted with different psychic abilities. Some of us will have the gift of telepathy, premonition, clairvoyance, and/or psychometry. Some of us will have only one of these physic abilities and some of us will have more than one of them. Again, with practice you will find which of these gifts you are personally endowed with.

Psychometry is the practice of reading a persons energy by touching a personal possession. But psychometry is not limited to touching or holding someone's personal possession.

There are energy centers in your hands and if you feel a particular object you will receive energy from that object. If you are right-handed, more than likely, your energy will be in your right hand and vice versa.

Practice running your hand over different objects to see whether or not you are able to receive energy or any sensation from an object. Try your left hand and then your right hand to see which one of your hands receive the most energy.

With practice you will be able to get this technique down in a few days. You can employ this hand energy technique immediately to begin saving money. The energy generated from the object will give you a clue as to whether or not you should purchase it or save your money.

You can use this technique on a plethora of money saving ideas. You can use it before signing contracts, on entertainment, transportation, vacation destinations, purchases and anything that you can imagine that will save you money. This technique is only limited by your imagination and your creativity.

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