Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Staying With The Basics When It Comes To Time Management 101

Lots of people have problems with their time management but don't really know what to do about this.
One of the best ways to handle this problem is to stick to the basics.
And you may as well call the basics time management 101.
The first thing you should realize is that there is really no such thing as time management.
There are, after all, only 24 hours in a day, and that's that.
So, think of it this way: instead of trying to manage time, why don't you try to manage yourself? Once you think of it this way, you are really thinking outside of the proverbial box.
And your next step should be to see how to motivate yourself to get that management under way.
This is really the first thing in time management 101: to get yourself motivated, because that is the key.
Make yourself a list of things to do and include rewards for yourself upon their completion.
This is a good way to make sure that you have something to strive for.
Another excellent thing to realize is that routines are very helpful.
Routines set up the times for work, for play, for when you have time just to spend for your own sake, etc.
Going through a given routine for a while may help you to establish it as something regular.
This way you won't have to think about what to do next, the routine will have become automatic.
One of the problems with managing time is that different tasks take different amounts of time to accomplish.
You can be busy throughout the whole day and not show much for it.
One way to avoid this dilemma is to place time limits on certain tasks.
And make sure that you allocate the time for a given task on the basis of its importance.
In the end, the best time management 101 tip is to realize that wasted time is lost time.
This usually means that we don't accomplish anything while we are simply waiting for something to happen.
While we are in a doctor's office or waiting for a friend.
The way to avoid losing this time is to have something on you, like a book to read, for example.
So don't let a time for waiting go to waste.
There is really no secret to good time management: just step back and take in the whole picture.
Where are you now with respect to your various chores? How can you best tackle them? If you take these things into account, you are likely to finish all of your chores on time.

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