How Do I Anonymously File a Complaint Against a Daycare Center?
- 1). Interview prospective daycare providers carefully and check references. Visit when the school is in session and spend some time observing the classroom. Note how the provider interacts with children and handles problems. Ask about communication strategies with parents. Effective daycare providers have a written handbook outlining policies. Bulletin boards, newsletters and emails keep parents in the loop. Select a high-quality daycare provider initially and you may avoid the unpleasant task of having to file a complaint.
- 2). Communicate with your provider daily, even if it's for a few minutes. Ask about your child's day and express any concerns you have. When providers and parents spend time developing positive relationships from the beginning, they are much more likely to work together effectively when difficult problems arise.
- 3). Discuss minor concerns over behavioral issues, guidance, activities or schedules directly with the daycare provider. If the provider is unwilling to work with you and the issue is one that negatively impacts your child, look for a new provider.
- 4). File a complaint with your state's licensing agency if the concern is about lack of supervision, unsafe or unsanitary equipment and surroundings, harsh discipline or other issues that may directly impact the health and well-being of the children in care. The department of human services or social services, or the health department usually oversee daycare licensing in each state. Complaints are filed anonymously unless you choose to give your name.