Health & Medical sports & Exercise

How to Use Athletic Tape

    How to use athletic tape

    • 1). Pick out your tape: There are typically two types of athletic tape, with or without adhesive. If tape with adhesive is what you're looking for, make sure the affected body part is relatively hair-free. A lack of hair will make removal of the tape easier and pain-free. If you use non-adhesive tape, you will need some sort of bandage adhesive to keep the athletic tape in place.

    • 2). Brand doesn't matter: Studies have shown that no one brand of athletic tape is better than another.

    • 3). Let your skin breathe: Cotton athletic tape is ideal because it stabilizes your joint while allowing air in, preventing moisture build-up and bacteria that could cause an infection.

    • 4). Begin taping: On the affected area, such as an ankle or wrist, cut two or three strips of tape and secure them to your skin in the direction of the limb. Be sure to keep your wrist or ankle in its resting position as you do so, to ensure that the muscles are not extended.

    • 5). Begin wrapping: Now take the roll of athletic tape and begin wrapping it around the affected limb. Wrap it securely, without any slack, but be careful not to wrap the tape too tightly. Sometimes, tightly bound tape can do more harm to the limb than good.

    • 6). Changing the tape: While cotton tape does breathe, allowing it to be used for longer periods of time, be sure to change your athletic tape periodically. If at rest, that could be every couple of days. During physical activity, however, that could be as often as every couple of hours.

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