Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Help for Addiction - What is my True Life Purpose

Everyone wants to hit the ground running when it comes to their true life purpose, but it's hard to put the pedal to the metal if you haven't overcome addiction, and you don't know where you're going! If you're like most who struggle with addiction, deep down, you probably have a burning desire to help others. You know there's a spiritual element to the path, however, you just can't seem to figure out what it is! Maybe you've thrown several endeavors at the wall but nothing ever seems to stick! Perhaps you've tried writing exercises or hand analysis to uncover your true life purpose only to come up empty over and over again. Trying to uncover your true life purpose with hand analysis is like following a road map of Athens with the intent of arriving at Mount Olympus. If you want to arrive at a destination of higher calling, you can't continue to travel on the back roads and alley ways. You see your true purpose or your divine blueprint is etched in your higher consciousness, and the only way to unlock it is by connecting to your true self. True life purpose is a divine plan. It is not a hobby or some extra curricular activity that one is passionate about. If you want to reveal and unleash your higher calling, you must reveal and unleash your true self! And, to accomplish that you must embrace personal growth and evolution. This often requires wiping the slate clean. In essence, you must throw out the bad and invite the good. In other words, true life purpose is a divine, screen play or movie that can only be shown if and when one buys the right ticket. If you insist on hanging out in the wrong snack bar while delighting yourself in Good in Plenty, and associating yourself with Red Hots and Jujubees, you'll never find the ticket counter of higher calling.

For most, there are always a few road blocks or obstacles that prevent that from happening. They're called fear and insecurities! Take a moment to answer the questions below and you may soon discover why the doors haven't been opening for you:

1. Do you have a fear of evolution? Are you afraid of becoming someone different?
2. Do you have a fear that if you evolve your friends and or family members will choose not to come along for the ride?
3. Do you have a fear of failure?
4. Do you have a fear of responsibility?
5. Do you feel, deep down, that you aren't good enough to accomplish your mission?
6. Do you feel that you don't deserve to have happiness and prosperity
7. Do you find it easy to give but have a hard time receiving gifts?
8. Do you care what others think of you?

These are just a few of the fears and insecurities or road blocks that prevent the doors to ones true life purpose from opening. Take a moment to reflect on these key points, and you may be surprised at what you discover.


David Roppo
Life Coach – Author –Speaker

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