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Alternative Lifestyles for Women

    Lesbians and Bisexual Women

    • One of the most obvious "lifestyles" thought of when coupled with the term "alternative" in terms of women are lesbians and bisexuals. Going against the assumed heterosexuality that generations before us have assumed to be the "right way," lesbians and bisexual women who come out of the closet are seen as bucking the system. As more and more people fight for gay rights, however, and gay marriage becomes a possibility in at least portions of the U.S., being a lesbian or bisexual may not be as "alternative" as other lifestyles might seem.

    Polygamists and Polyamory

    • Mormons and the Church of Latter Day Saints are known for their polygamist practices.George Frey/Getty Images News/Getty Images

      With shows like "Big Love" and "Sister Wives" bringing polygamy into today's limelight, this lifestyle is getting more press than ever before. It remains illegal, however, to marry more than one person, so if you are looking for a lifestyle that won't get you thrown in jail, polygamy might not be for you. If you are interested in love between more than two persons, however, the polyamorous lifestyle might be a good fit. Those who consider themselves polyamorous take multiple partners at a time, akin to swingers in many ways. Most of these individuals do not intend to wed, thus their alternative lifestyle could be considered somewhat more acceptable than polygamy.


    • For those who enjoy their bodies and prefer living in the buff, you might consider becoming a nudist, or naturist. The nudist lifestyle is completely contained in homes and resorts worldwide. Most nudists are secretive about their proclivities, enjoying their "alternative" lifestyle behind closed doors, or with others who have taken up the same lifestyle.



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