Society & Culture & Entertainment Jokes & Riddles & Humor

Truly False Interview - God

"God, are you serious about this guyGeorge W.
Bush?" "Lissen, don`t come to me now with your problems.
You had your chance to elect a president according to your principles but you people did not follow your own rules.
Now, you have to take it or find a solution yourselves!" "But God, the guy is wrecking not only the country but also the equilibrium outside the country.
One day he invents evil axis here and there and the next day he talks about his desire for peace on earth.
He denounces and renounces an environmental treaty, which he probably never read, nor understood, and later he comes up with a sleigh of hand proposal which is worse that anything the treaty had proposed.
" "If he does all those things, why did you elect him? Are the people in your country that stupid that they believe what any one tells them?' 'Apparently so, God.
You see, he also has devised policies that make his rich friends richer and has corporate America turn into a den of thieves.
Our country has more poor people that at any time in its history.
Then he puts on a uniform, rattles his saber and goes forth to battle a few Taliban shepherds equipped with old single action Mausers and a flock of bearded, ignorant fanatics in the hills of Afghanistan.
!" "Yes, I remember the blasting those Talibans took.
Those Taliban fanatics deserved a blasting and more.
But to drop 15 thousand tons of bombs on the hills is not going to eliminate the threats from those terrorists and is not going to produce the evil one or a glorious military victory" "Well, we got the other war going and he refuses to believe that we are wasting our time.
Is there anything you can do?" "Listen cowboy, you got this all wrong.
I have provided you bipeds with a stage with as many comforts as I could invent.
You are wholly responsible if you play in that stage a comedy, a historical piece or a bloody tragedy.
I believe I have sent enough signals suggesting how to behave and I do not wish to become a baby sitter for you people.
I have other things to do!" "What other things, may I ask?" "Listen, one of these starry nights, if you are sober, raise your head and look at the sky.
Do you think that you are alone in this neck of the celestial woods? What do you think all those shiny lights are? Traffic lights? Do you people realize that it is a full time job to keep those time-space-energyvectors under control? I gave you people the best tools I could find and you come up with things that make my efforts useless.
"No need to get uptight God.
All I am asking for is a bit of help.
Even your messengers on Earth, ministers, preachers, priests, evangelical dispensers and pious echoes, are ignored when they try to instill some reason!" "Perhaps they should speak louder.
I provided enough intelligence in that cranial sphere you wear above your shoulders, to make the right decisions.
If you expect my guidance in every step, I better then transform this planet into a zoo and get me some smart Venusians to come and take care of it!" "God, please give us a chance.
Is there anything we can do for you?" God thought for a moment.
Then he smiled and with a sheepish look, said: "Could be.
You see I compose and sing a few songs.
Any chance I can get on American Idol?"

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