Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Tips on Avoiding the Wrong Drug Intervention Programs

You can find many different Free Drug Intervention Programs on the internet. You can find regular facilities where the addict is admitted for a period of time. Self help programs where groups of addict gather to talk about recovery. You will even find privately operated groups, some of which do snatch and grab drug intervention.

This is where a private person or group may just pick up the addict off the street and 'kidnap' them to a safe location. The person is forced to get cleaned up and detoxified, then has to make some hard choices in their lives, checking into a licensed drug intervention program may be one option.

It is pretty equal across the board how effective any of these are. The average is about a fifty percent Recovery Rate, with some programs and methods well below that. There is a high rate of addicts who will relapse at least once in their recovery, many that relapse over and over. You must choose one that stands the most chance of helping not only in the here and now, but in the future as well.

While you may want to choose the snatch and grab method, try to avoid it unless you are very desperate. Their methods are often questionable; many of them are recovering addicts themselves. Most of them are unlicensed and not capable of handling unpredictable situations in a professional manor.

Avoid any quick fix drug intervention programs. These are mostly just detoxification facilities, and will be far more costly in the long run. These programs are designed to clean a person up, for however long it may take, 3-10 days on average and then release them back into the world. All that has happened is that the physical symptoms are gone, but all the psychological problems are still there. Addict will return to all their old habits and may even relapse the day they are released...

Make sure that any facility chosen is licensed, has a qualified knowledgeable staff, and requires at least three months to go through the treatment. Any Substance Abuse Intervention programs should combine detoxification with counseling, diet and exercise. There should also be programs available to teach patients how to break their old habits, and how to learn new ones. Without this information and skills, they are more likely to relapse. Other options that should be available are anger and stress management classes so that coping skills are learned.

Try to stay away from Detox Centers that try to over play their success rate. If they are boasting a percentage rate that's high, it's usually because they want the patient in their facility. You can check online to see what kind of reputation a particular drug intervention program may have. It is also a good idea that once they pass an initial test, which prices are also compared, if and what insurance will cover, things like that. Always read any contracts thoroughly before signing anything.

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