Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

What Genital Warts Medication Is Right for You

The small growths usually appearing within the area of the genitals are called genital warts or condylomata acuminate.  Genital warts can affect the vagina, the penis, the anus and the perineum or the area between the genitals and the anus.

If it affects the vagina it can usually be found around the vaginal opening or it can even be found inside the vagina on the cervix.  Meanwhile if it affects the anus it can be found around the anus.  And if it affects the penis the growths could be on or within the penis.  The perineum can also be affected by genital warts.

Usually, the spread of genital warts are attributed to intimate sexual contact.  This is one of the so-called sexually transmitted diseases apart from AIDS and gonorrhea.  If the person does not wear the proper protection given by condoms genital warts can easily be passed from one person to the other.

The first symptoms of genital warts usually appear eight to 18 months after contracting the disease.  So a person may not know until that time that he or she is infected with genital warts.  Within this period, removing genital warts may not be that apparent yet.

In some medical observations genital warts remains in the tissue of the skin even long after the warts are operated on or are physically removed.  In this instance the possibility of recurrence appears common in some people.

For women, the symptoms of genital warts may easily be observed because of the presence of colorless and odorless discharges.  The vaginal moisture common with women is also the cause of yeast infections.

There is also a study which showed that genital warts can be a cause for cancer cells to develop in the body.  Cancers specifically of the cervix and penis can be attributed to genital warts. If this is the case, it is quite necessary for people suspected of being infected with genital warts to see and consult with their doctors immediately.  Your doctor can cure genital warts before it worsens and develops into a cancer.

Women should undergo regular pap smear to be conducted annually so that cancer-producing cells can easily be detected and treated.  Thus, removing genital warts can be a best option for people infected with this disease.

Syphilis and gonorrhea are the other sexually transmitted diseases that can appear together with the genital warts.  If this happens, the possibility of an easy treatment and cure may be harder and more complicated.

How do we know if we have genital warts?  Below are some symptoms:
  • Around the periphery of the vagina, penis, anus or around the perineum can be found some round or flat, small, red and itchy growths.  They are just small about several millimeters in sizes.
  • Yet from a small growth or sores these can grow and combine with others to form a big lump just like a cauliflower in shape.

Below are the common causes why genital warts appear in people.

The so-called human papilloma virus (HPV) is the main cause of genital warts.  Yet, according to research not all strains of HPV can cause cancers.  The majority of these strains is harmless and cannot cause cancer in people.  But the possibility is always there and the necessity of removing genital warts should always be on our minds.

Unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected person can also be a cause for genital warts to spread.  That is why genital warts is included in those sexually transmitted diseases that are very contagious.  If sexual intercourse cannot be avoided altogether it is best to wear latex condoms for protection just to be safe.

The social stigma of people infected with genital warts can be harsh.  It is always indicative of people engaging in unprotected sex especially common when patronizing prostitutes.  In instances where the infection has already happened it is always best to immediately consult your doctor so that proper medical attention is accorded and specific genital warts medication can be given.

Article by Matthew McMillan of, a website with the best <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/3725668');" href="/links/?u=">curing genital warts</a> and <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/3725668');" href="/links/?u=">genital warts home remedy</a> information on the web.

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