How to Make a Cobble Fountain
- 1). Assemble the materials for your cobble fountain from your local home improvement store or landscape supply center. You can also find pumps for your fountain at online retailers. Show the clerk your planter, and he will help you determine how much cobblestone and mortar mix you will need for the project.
- 2). Fill any openings in the planter with plumber's putty so that the planter is watertight. Cover the pump with the stocking to help keep it free from debris. Place the pump on top of the brick and secure them together with the rubber band. This will help keep the pump from floating. Attach the plastic tubing to the pump and secure it in place with duct tape. This will help the two stay together if you need to remove the pump. Place the pump in the planter. Bring the plastic tubing and the electrical cord up over the rim of the planter.
- 3). Excavate the ground around the perimeter of the planter in the shape of your fountain, removing any grass, rocks or debris. Mix the mortar according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- 4). Place a small layer of mortar on the excavated ground. Scrape across the top of the mortar with the serrated edge of your trowel. Press your first cobblestone firmly into the mortar and add a small amount of mortar on one side edge. Place your second cobblestone up against the mortared edge and press firmly into the mortar. Continue until you have completed your first row of cobbles around the perimeter of your planter.
- 5). Layer your next row of stones in the same manner, but begin by placing your first cobble in the center of the mortar seam between any two of the stones on the underlying row. This will keep the seams staggered, giving you a stronger cobble structure for your fountain. Build the cobble sides up until you reach the top edge of your plastic planter.
- 6). Set the next row of cobblestones so that the edges rest on the rim of the planter. Leave an unobtrusive opening between the cobblestones for the electrical cord. Keep the plastic tubing accessible as it will feed through the top of the cobble fountain. Continue to layer your cobble rows, insetting each successive row until you have an opening at the top that is only large enough to fit the pump through.
- 7). Attach the plastic tubing to the inside of the top edge of your cobblestones with duct tape. Fill the planter with water and enjoy your fountain.