Family & Relationships Weddings

Wedding Favors - Things to Think About

You don't have to spend a lot of money just to make your wedding favors special or even perfect. There are countless of ways to think about and still have the perfect wedding favor that you can give out to your guests. Don't worry about anything else as of this moment and concentrate on three major factors that you need to rely on when you are deciding what kind of wedding favor you want to have for your big day - the three major categories would be your budget, your personality, and your partner. You can have it as an acronym: B.P.P.

Remember these three major factors and you are good to go. First and foremost would be your budget, don't imagine expensive materials if you don't have the money to buy it in the first place, you will just lose heart in the end. Next, have a range of the things that will fall into your budget while leaving the rest away from your conscience. Lastly, if you already set your standards and budget and you already have a range of things that you can actually pay for then you will now move on to the next factor which is your personality.

Your personality is very important in choosing wedding favors because it should manifest in the object that you will be giving out to your guests. Of course, you need to consider your partner as well. Whatever you and your partner share, then make it a point that it will be included to your wedding favor. An example of that is when you and your partner loves painting, your wedding favor should have something to do with painting such as giving out pens that look like brushes or even a small artwork that both of you did. It is always great to hear guests say, "Of course, this is definitely him and her".

Another example would be if the girl is a baker and the boy is an engineer, you can always give it a touch of creativity and combine the things that you love. In this case, you can have a robotic style of cupcake that will embody the girl being a baker and the boy being an engineer. Now, start thinking of your personality, what you love to do, what your partner loves to do and from there begin to gather information on how to create wedding favors that will suit you and your partner - which leads us to the final "P", partner.

Whatever decision you make for your wedding favors as well as in the other parts of your wedding, you need to include your partner. What does he/she wants? What are his/her ideas regarding this matter? These questions will help you not only arrive to the answer to your query but it will also help you and your partner to have a better communication with regards to decision making. It will help you grow in your relationship.
So what are you waiting for, start with your B.P.P. attitude now and have a great wedding day!

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