Home & Garden Architecture

Boy's Rooms Ideas

    Sports Theme

    • If your son is into sports, give him a themed room filled with framed posters of his favorite teams and removable decal images representing the types of equipment used to play. His sports theme room can grow with him, as the posters can be changed as his favorite players or teams evolve. You can find headboards shaped like a baseball glove or lamps that look like a soccer ball. Bedding is another way to expand on the sports them for your boy's room, as you can bet his favorite team has an ensemble for sale.


    • Adventurous little boys who dream of becoming an astronaut or studying the stars will love a bedroom with an astronomy theme. Paint the walls and the ceiling like the night sky with a burst of color from the northern lights. Add decals or paint the constellations and the Milky Way. You can find inspiration from NASA's online image library or in books from your local library. Project the images onto the wall, trace them and paint a mural that your little boy will love.


    • Simulate a rainforest in your boy's room from the tops of the trees in the canopy to the wide array of activities on the forest floor. Look for wallpaper or wall-sized decals to help create the room's environment, and then add butterflies, frogs and all kinds of insects and animals that he might find on a trip to the rainforest. You can turn a bunk bed into a tree house and hang a climbing rope to represent a vine. Inspire your budding entomologist with images of rare insects, or encourage your boy's interest in science and plants with display boxes housing real specimens.

    Under the Sea

    • Create a wonderland under the sea as a theme for your boy's room. Paint the walls and the ceiling in shades of blue and green, and place decals of colorful fish, shells and coral all around. His bed could be a sunken ship or a submarine, ready to explore. Add a chest filled with treasure on the walls and find a similar-looking chest to store his toys. Paint his entertainment center like a sea cave, and turn his dresser into an underwater mountain range.

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