How to Create a Riddle Book
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Fruits make good objects for a riddle.Siri Stafford/Lifesize/Getty Images
Choose five objects that a child can easily describe. Think of tangible, familiar objects such as foods, household items or animals. - 2). Write the names of the objects on five separate index cards (one object per card). Underneath the word, draw a picture of the object. Use the back side of the index card for the illustration if you need more room. Place each card inside a separate envelope.
- 3
Use your five senses to describe an object such as a cat.Martin Poole/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Write down clues about the objects on five new index cards. Each card should have three to five clues about one of the objects. Clues for a cat might read: "I am soft and furry. I have pointy ears, white whiskers, and a long tail. I come in different colors and sometimes have spots or stripes. I am usually a very quiet pet." - 4
Use a range of colors.Jupiterimages/ Images
Decorate the envelopes. Use markers or crayons to color the outside of each envelope. Encourage children to make the envelopes unique by using a variety of colors and patterns. - 5). Glue each clue card to the front of the appropriate envelope based on the answer card inside. Center the cards on the envelopes.
- 6). Cut out a piece of paper or card stock the same size as the envelopes. Design a cover using a title such as: "A Funny Riddle Book" or "My Envelope Book."
- 7). Stack the envelopes in the same direction (right side up with the front of the envelope facing forward). Staple them together along the left side to create a book. Avoid stapling the answer cards inside the envelopes.