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How to Seduce and Sleep With Beautiful Women (The Formula is Inside)

Most guys have this goal.
They want sex with women...
but not just any women.
They want to be with the most beautiful, intelligent, and fun women.
So how can you get them? Well, if you are looking for answers then you have definitely come to the right place.
Here is the formula for successful attraction...
How to Seduce and Sleep with Beautiful Women (The Formula is Inside) Express Yourself What you must understand is that this game is not about impressing women.
When you aim to impress, you are coming from a place of LACK and you are also showing women that you are externally validated (which is the opposite of an attractive trait).
Instead, you need to focus on expressing yourself.
Women don't want you to try and 'con' them into liking you through using cute little routines and magic tricks.
They want to see who you are at the core - an alpha man.
Emotions, Emotions, And More Emotions A woman is not going to be into you if you cannot fill her up with loads of emotions.
So what you really need to do is take her on an emotional rollercoaster using things like push-pull and playful teasing.
Often, the most powerful technique is simply using physical escalation.
This is what really spikes women's emotions and inspires loads of attraction.
Forget About the Outcome Okay, so you are with a beautiful woman and the two of you seem to be hitting it off.
All of a sudden, your mind begins racing and you start becoming more and more attached to the idea of having this woman in your bed and having her as a long term relationship.
Forget about this.
Just focus on the moment and let the interaction progress naturally while filling her with emotions and expressing your core self.

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