Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Leak Detection Services- Why To Hire Them?

If you have a doubt of having a water leak in your house, then don't just panic. Also, there is no need to call any professional service right away. You must try to find out on your own. There are some common locations where leaks happens very often, just check these places first and if you are not able to find the exact location then only take help of any of the leak detection services. An undetected leak can increase your water bill up to 20% or more. So, you must try to check for leaks regularly in your house.

A leak can cause around 4000 gallons of water per month to get wasted. This quantity is sufficient enough for a family to survive for whole month. Before start working on detecting leak on your own you must shut off the water supply first and then proceed next.

Check the hose of washing machine for any bulge, crack, fray, and leaks at its end. Replace the hose as soon as possible if any problem is found. You may replace it after a use of 3 to 5 years as a precautionary measure. You must see that hose doesn't kink, has a gap of at least 4 inches between water connection and the back of washing machine. And if still you can't find the source of water then it might possible that washing machine itself is the reason o leak.

Water heater may also be the reason for leaks. A normal water heater can last around 8 to 15 years. Wet spots under the heater may signals a leak. It must be installed at the lowest level of the home may be somewhere around floor drain.

Sump pump may also cause water to get leak. Normally, a sump pump lasts for 10 years, after that its parts must be replaced or serviced. You must check your sump pump before start of the wet season.

Sometimes fire suppression systems (sprinkler) may also be the reason for any water leak. Just check them carefully whether they are working properly or not and make sure that they are perfectly tightened or not.

Water softeners may also be checked for any water leaks. It runs constantly even after having a leak. It sounds like water running nearby you.

Swimming pools may also have the leaks and it cause a huge amount of water to be wasted. So, you must also check your pools regularly for any leaks.

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