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Diana Hathaway Timmons

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Diana Hathaway Timmons is a color consultant, lifestyle writer, and designer. Color is her passion, as she's helped hundreds of people with their color dilemmas. Diana's color and decorating advice has been featured in numerous publications and websites, and she has authored the book, "Sell Your Home Without Losing Your Zen."


Diana Hathaway Timmons has more than ten years experience in the fields of color and interior design. Her passion for color, and her gift of creating balance in any style, makes for an unexpected and totally unique approach to decorating. She is also an Advanced Feng Shui Design Professional.

As a lifestyle writer, Diana has contributed to numerous major home decor sites and publications, including HGTV's FrontDoor.com, Better Homes & Gardens, MSN.com, Huffington Post, SheKnows.com, RedPlum.com, MyPerfectColor.com,  and Readers Digest.  She is the author of "Sell Your Home Without Losing Your Zen." 

Diana Hathaway Timmons

Do you love color? Are you looking for color inspiration, ideas, and solutions, for your home? Then I'm glad you're here with me on About.com's Color site.  I've been passionate about color since I wrote my first poem about the color pink, in the 5th grade. Even back then I recognized the power of color to change your surroundings, and even your mood.  I'm always happy to hear your topic ideas and comments that can help me make the About.com's Color site even more useful and enriching for you, so let's connect on social media!


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