Secrets to Picking a Good Brand of Digital Camera
If you ever had an inkling to start a brawl amongst a bunch of photographers, simply ask them which is the best camera brand to buy, an then leave the room.
Nikon fan boys, the Canon fan boys, the Sony fan boys and the rest of the pack will never get to a single decision.
Because everyone knows that regular (film) cameras are far superior to digital cameras.
Hang on a sec, or was that the other way around? Who can keep track these days? Now before I digress too far from the topic, lets take a look at that age old battle, and see if we can determine which brand is best.
While it's true, that there are certain photographers in the crowd, that swear by a particular brand of camera, I'm not one of them.
While I do have more Canons than any other, I also have a Kodak, Olympus, and Fuji floating around the house somewhere.
Just getting my personal biases out in the open.
If digital camera sales were any indication of what the best brand was, then according to Amazon.
com Canon would be a clear winner.
As I write this, Canon manufactures 18 of the top 25 bestselling cameras on their best seller list.
In addition, Canon holds 9 of the top 10 spots, with the top 3 being the PowerShot A570 IS, the PowerShot SD1000 Digital Elph, and the PowerShot SD850.
The other strange thing I've noticed about some of the broader lists, is the inclusion of video cameras.
Specifically the Flip Video brand of cameras.
I find that a little strange, since they really only do video semi-decently, and most other still cameras do video at least as well.
Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Sony, and even Kodak seem to make a few top spots, but not like Canon does.
Sure, sure, sure, Canon seems to sell more cameras than anyone else.
But, are they really that much better? And so what if they are, maybe I don't want to follow the crowd.
I like following my own drummer afterall ;) But hey, while were analyzing things, lets take a look at what a few other analysts have to say.
There may be some consensus amongst that group.
Ok, so I took a little gander at the top camera review sites,to see what they had to say.
And, I afraid I must admit, that it doesn't look too good for the anti-Canon crowd.
Canon seems to once again have garnered much praise from the critics.
After aggregating a number of five star - top 100 camera choices, Canon seem to occupy about 50% of the top spots, with Sony and Nikon both achieving around 25% each.
There were a few other nice camera models, but none statistically significant.
If your new to the world of digital cameras, that should at least give you an idea of who the big dogs are in this business.
Canon is tough to beat, but it's worth mentioning, that all the cameras I own have been good performers for me.
That includes the non-Canon cameras.
It really comes down to getting the right camera for you, at a price you can afford.
Nikon fan boys, the Canon fan boys, the Sony fan boys and the rest of the pack will never get to a single decision.
Because everyone knows that regular (film) cameras are far superior to digital cameras.
Hang on a sec, or was that the other way around? Who can keep track these days? Now before I digress too far from the topic, lets take a look at that age old battle, and see if we can determine which brand is best.
While it's true, that there are certain photographers in the crowd, that swear by a particular brand of camera, I'm not one of them.
While I do have more Canons than any other, I also have a Kodak, Olympus, and Fuji floating around the house somewhere.
Just getting my personal biases out in the open.
If digital camera sales were any indication of what the best brand was, then according to Amazon.
com Canon would be a clear winner.
As I write this, Canon manufactures 18 of the top 25 bestselling cameras on their best seller list.
In addition, Canon holds 9 of the top 10 spots, with the top 3 being the PowerShot A570 IS, the PowerShot SD1000 Digital Elph, and the PowerShot SD850.
The other strange thing I've noticed about some of the broader lists, is the inclusion of video cameras.
Specifically the Flip Video brand of cameras.
I find that a little strange, since they really only do video semi-decently, and most other still cameras do video at least as well.
Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Sony, and even Kodak seem to make a few top spots, but not like Canon does.
Sure, sure, sure, Canon seems to sell more cameras than anyone else.
But, are they really that much better? And so what if they are, maybe I don't want to follow the crowd.
I like following my own drummer afterall ;) But hey, while were analyzing things, lets take a look at what a few other analysts have to say.
There may be some consensus amongst that group.
Ok, so I took a little gander at the top camera review sites,to see what they had to say.
And, I afraid I must admit, that it doesn't look too good for the anti-Canon crowd.
Canon seems to once again have garnered much praise from the critics.
After aggregating a number of five star - top 100 camera choices, Canon seem to occupy about 50% of the top spots, with Sony and Nikon both achieving around 25% each.
There were a few other nice camera models, but none statistically significant.
If your new to the world of digital cameras, that should at least give you an idea of who the big dogs are in this business.
Canon is tough to beat, but it's worth mentioning, that all the cameras I own have been good performers for me.
That includes the non-Canon cameras.
It really comes down to getting the right camera for you, at a price you can afford.