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Traditional handmade jewellery in unique designs

Handmade jewellery has been available for thousands of years as these pieces were being produced a long time before man was able to manufacture pieces in large amounts. Today these unique semi-precious designs are becoming a lost art form.

Handmade jewellery was at one time only affordable to the rich and powerful as these were original commissioned by people of high rank and status and were worn not only because of their beauty but also to show the world how wealthy they were and the high position that they hold in society.

Today these unique jewellery designs crafted from semi-precious beads and pendants are available to people of all walks of life and social standing. These are handmade from lovely natural stones either on their own in beaded designs or set into precious metals like silver and gold. In this world where we are starting to live in a throwaway society and everything looks the same it is lovely to see these unique jewellery designs. The demand for these unusual and original designs is growing as many people still want to look individual and not the same as any other person that walks down the street.

The crafting of these beautiful designs used to be a dying art but as the demand for these pieces of handmade jewellery is growing then so are the talented craftsmen that are producing the unique semi-precious designs. So where do these young designers get their inspiration to create these stunning designs. Many are taking their inspiration from traditional designs putting their own unique modern twist on designs that have been available to use for hundreds of years. You will see these influences from the past in the earrings, pendants, necklaces, jewellery sets and bracelets that they produce.

The designers will use only the most perfect of materials and each stone, bead and pendant that is placed in the unique jewellery designs will be checked individually for imperfections. It does not matter which semi-precious stone they are using in their designs it could be Jasper, Amethyst, Tigers Eye, Coral, Agate, Aventurine or Jade. Each piece will be of the highest quality and when the designer has finished there will be a unique and original piece of handmade semi-precious jewellery to show for all their hard work.

When you are looking through these original collections of earrings, bracelets, jewellery sets and necklaces I am sure that there will be many pieces that catch your eye and it may be very hard for you to choose a piece that you would like. You may also see pieces of handmade jewellery that would make a perfect gift for a friend or loved one. Giving one of these pieces will make the perfect gift as when you give it you will see how much it is appreciated and also you can give it with the confidence in knowing that they will not already have the same or even similar piece.

If you are not able to find the perfect piece of semi-precious jewellery in these unique collections you could have a piece handmade for you. You can work with the designer to create your own individual designs or you can have a piece that they have already created altered for you. You may want the same design but with a different semi-precious stone placing in the necklace design, it could be that you would like the setting to be in gold instead of silver or you might only want the length altering. All these options are available to you when you choose to purchase pieces of unique semi-precious handmade jewellery.

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