Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

Toro Mod.#20041 Troubleshooting

    Bad Gasoline

    • 1). Drain the fuel if it has been in the tank for more than 30 days, as it begins to degrade after that time. This may be the first cause of engine failure. Drain the gasoline into an approved container and refill the lawnmower with new gas. Be sure to wipe clean any excess gas that may have spilled out onto the lawnmower.

    • 2). Push the primer button firmly three times, holding for a second after each press.

    • 3). Pull and hold the blade-controlling mechanism against the handle of the lawnmower. Pull the recoil cord to start the engine. This may take two or three pulls to start the engine.

    Dirty Air Filter

    • 1). Check the air filter because it may be clogged or dirty. A dirty and clogged air filter will prevent air from entering the carburetor, preventing it from starting. Toro suggests changing the air filter once a year.

    • 2). Turn the air filter's cover clockwise and remove it. Remove the paper filter from the flange.

    • 3). Clean the flange and cover before installing a new air filter. Replace the air filter onto the flange and insert into the cover, aligning it with the tabs until you hear a snap. Return the air filter to its position and turn counterclockwise until tight.

    Worn or Bad Spark Plugs

    • 1). Replace the spark plugs if the engine is not starting and the lawnmower has been operated for more than 200 hours. Look for spark plugs that are improperly gapped, dirty or soaked with gasoline or fluids.

    • 2). Remove the wire for the spark plugs located near the base of the lawnmower. Remove the spark plug with a 5/8-inch spark plug wrench.

    • 3). Refer to your owner's manual for the proper gap spacing for the spark plugs. Take a gapping tool and inspect the gap. Replace if the gapping is incorrect, the spark plug looks worn or if it's flooded. A flooded spark plug will smell like gasoline.

    • 4). Insert a new spark plug and tighten with the spark plug wrench to 180 inch-pounds of torque. If a torque wrench is not in your possession, simply tighten firmly. Replace the spark plug wire and restart the lawnmower.

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