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Candles On Your Birthday Cake

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, happy birthday... happy birthday to you!

And so goes the Happy Birthday Song which people have been singing for ages already. This song has been used in many movies and it probably is one of those songs that is known by most of the population of the world. Come to think about it, this song brings about thoughts of merriment, and celebration, and happiness, and laughter, and friends, and family, and loved ones.

There are traditions wherein during a child's first birthday, it is important that the parents should celebrate that first year. There are plenty of reasons why and one of the most heard is that the very first birthday is very important because it is a celebration of his (or her) life. For many parents, what they do is they celebrate the first year with grand parties that involve wonderful cakes, ice cream, spaghetti, clowns, and tons of other children. These are just a few of what you can find in a first birthday celebration. Of course, what is not neglected is that there is one candle on that cake that the birthday boy (or girl) would have to blow. That one candle symbolizes the first year that the child has been living after being born.

After each year, the numbers on that birthday is added with another one. So if the child is celebration his (or her) fourth birthday, then there would be four candles on the cake. It is said that each candle symbolizes each year that the child has been living on earth. And that it is a way of recognizing the life that the person has been having. With that, it means that if you do reach a really ripe age of a hundred years old, you will most definitely find a hundred candles on your birthday cake. Wow. That sure is something worth looking at. The problem would be blowing out all the candles.

There are variations to the types of candles that are being used during birthday celebrations. There are the usual paraffin wax candles and there are also people who use natural candles. Most people who use natural wax candles on birthday cakes are those who are conscious about the earth and about their health. There are also cases when instead of lighting a hundred candles on your 100th birthday, you can use candles that come in the shape of a one, a zero, and a zero.

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