Health & Medical Men's Health

How To Control Your Ejaculate In Bed - Sure Fire Tricks To Last Longer In Bed Tonight!

Would you like to learn to control your ejaculate in bed? Do you want to please your woman for longer durations in bed? If you are suffering from premature ejaculation, I can understand the way you feel.
It can be really frustrating for you as well as your partner.
But you can cure your premature ejaculation if you work on it.
You don't have to be embarrassed anymore to have sex with a girl.
If you follow these tricks, you will be able to last longer and give her more pleasure.
She'll seriously be begging you for more...
Here are the sure fire tricks to last longer in bed...
Breathe deeply in bed - Most men are often unconscious of the way they breathe during sex.
During sex, most men get extremely excited and tend to pant instead of breathe.
You need to breathe deeply if you want to satisfy her and have control over your ejaculate.
When you pant, the oxygen supply is less.
Therefore, your mind feels stressed and is unable to have any more control over your ejaculate.
Learn to develop control over it by breathing deeply.
Be aware of it.
Throw your beliefs at the door - For most men, it's actually their negative beliefs that are coming in the way of sexual performance.
Your stamina is affected by the way you think.
If you think that you aren't going to last long enough in bed, you won't.
You need to increase your self confidence.
There are lots of things you can do for that.
I encourage you to practice affirmations.
Tell yourself that you will last longer.
Work on the nerves.

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