Staffing for Car Wash Fundraisers
If you are considering a Car Wash Fundraiser in a good location on a Sunny Saturday for your youth organization whether it is a high-school band, soccer team or church youth group then you need to consider proper staffing in order to be able to handle the volume of traffic and cars coming through you see? First it is best to run your car wash from 10 AM to 2 PM and if the traffic is still robust keep going, do not turn away money.
Staffing for Car Wash Fundraisers is paramount to their success and ability to move the line of waiting cars.
If the line gets too long no one will stop to wait.
Conversely if the line is to non-existent no one will want to risk it, they want to see others in line first.
When staffing for Car Wash Fundraisers you should have two-shifts.
2 hours each and one half shift, which comes one-hour before the end to help clean up and relieve stragglers or those who can no longer keep up.
For parents you need a least one supervisor per 5-7 kids and these supervisors should be positioned as greeters for those cars in line to answer questions, as well as one where the cars are soaped and one where they are being dried, with a floater supervisor to over see the project.
Please consider all this in 2006.
Staffing for Car Wash Fundraisers is paramount to their success and ability to move the line of waiting cars.
If the line gets too long no one will stop to wait.
Conversely if the line is to non-existent no one will want to risk it, they want to see others in line first.
When staffing for Car Wash Fundraisers you should have two-shifts.
2 hours each and one half shift, which comes one-hour before the end to help clean up and relieve stragglers or those who can no longer keep up.
For parents you need a least one supervisor per 5-7 kids and these supervisors should be positioned as greeters for those cars in line to answer questions, as well as one where the cars are soaped and one where they are being dried, with a floater supervisor to over see the project.
Please consider all this in 2006.