Health & Medical Men's Health

How to Stop Being a 3 Minute Man - No More Premature Ejaculation

Ejaculating to soon is one of the most embarrassing male sexual problems and it is also true that all of us go through it early in life.
Premature ejaculation is a problem that us more prevalent among younger men as compared to the older guys since you learn to control your ejaculations with time and experience.
Nonetheless, I am sure no man would like to be called a 3 minute man and there are some techniques that can help improve your staying power so as to last longer in bed.
How to Stop Being3 Minute Man and Overcome Premature Ejaculation There are exercises that are called Kegels which can improve your control over ejaculations.
They help to increase the strength of your pubicoccygeus muscle or the PC muscle.
These exercises involve clenching and unclenching of the PC muscle and are highly simple to perform.
The PC muscle is located from your pubic bone to the tail bone and the floor of pelvic cavity.
It can be easily located by stopping urine midstream.
It is this muscle you contract when trying to do so.
Initially you can start with performing just 5 repetitions, clenching the muscle for for just 5 seconds each time and increase the number of repetitions as you get used to with these exercises.
Over time you will find your PC muscle getting strong and you will be able to prolong ejaculations and last longer in bed.
Though the exercises are highly effective, you should not expect results overnight.
It might take you a few weeks to experience better ejaculatory control.
Eventually you will naturally start using this muscle when you're masturbating.
It will involuntarily contract when you climax, and your semen will squirt out.
Don't be surprised if some of it lands on your face! Moreover, apart form these simple exercises which you can perform anywhere, there are a couple of natural pills that help boost your sexual stamina by ensuring better blood flow to the penis.
These natural pills enhance blood flow to the penis and relax blood vessels to allow throbbing blood to enter the shaft resulting in fuller and longer lasting erections.
Check out the Best Penis Enhancement Pills that include free access to one of the best penis exercise manual so that you can perform Kegels and Jelqs in the most proper manner.
While Kegels improve your ejaculatory control, Jelqs help to expand the erectile tissue so that it can hold more blood resulting in a thicker and a longer penis.

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