Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Colostrum Can Help Fight Against Gastrointernal Infections

Recent study by Susanna Rokka of MTT Agrifood Research Finland, showed that Bovine Colostrum can help fight Helicobacter Pylori infections.
Helicobacter is a kind of bacteria that is often responsible for Gastritis, Gastric ulcer, and Stomach Cancer.
The Colostrum is produced by cows that were previously vaccinated with certain kind of pathogens.
These cows will then produce antibodies in their blood and then transferred them to milk they produced.
But the highest concentration of antibodies is transferred in Colostrum.
During test, it showed that this immune colostrum can prevent Helicobacter infection in mice.
However it can't cure an existing infection by Helicobacter.
But when combined with certain antibiotic it can reduce Helicobacter population and inflammation in Gastrointernal more significant than antibiotic alone.
The research also showed that immune milk combined with lactobacilli that's extracted from fermented cabbage can effectively help in preventing Streptococcus and Helicobacter Pylori.
Streptococcus is the most responsible bacteria in causing dental caries from adhering to tooth surface.
There are over 90 known components in colostrum.
The primary components, divided into two classes, are immune factors and growth factors.
Colostrum also contains a precise balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
All of these factors work together in perfect synergy to restore and maintain health.
Immune Factors in colostrum have been shown to help the body fight off harmful invaders such as viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus.
Each factor plays a specific role in our body's defense against these attackers.
In addition, colostrum contains over 20 antibodies to specific pathogens including E coli, salmonella, rotavirus, candida, streptococcus, staphylococcus, H pylori, and cryptosporidia.
In addition to immunoglobulins, medical studies show that PRP in colostrum also supports an under active immune system.
PRP also helps balance an overactive immune system present in autoimmune diseases.

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