How to Get Rid of Excess Clutter
- 1). Set aside time to declutter. Whether it be a free weekend to tackle a large home-organizing project or simply 15 minutes each day to address the issue, the important thing is to incorporate it into your schedule. Make it as much of a priority as preparing a meal or going to work each day.
- 2). Create destinations for the items that will be sorted. Label large bins as "Keep," "Donate," "Recycle" and "Discard." For recycling items, you can go a step further by having separate tubs for paper, plastic and newsprint.
- 3). Remove distractions, and commit to the task. Turn off the phone ringer and the television. Occupy children with a game or movie to minimize interruptions. Decide on a duration of time to work, such as 15 or 30 minutes. Set a timer to ring at completion time so you don't feel overwhelmed.
- 4). Choose a place to begin, and then get to work. You can start with your books if you own more than you have room for. Look at each book, and decide whether you will read it again. If so, put it in the "Keep" bin. If you won't read it another time but it is still in good condition, it can be donated. Books that are falling apart may be recyclable. Once you have sorted all your books, put the ones you want to keep back on your bookshelf, and prepare the other ones for donation or recycling.
- 5). Remove from your house the items you're not going to keep. The faster your donation, recycling and disposal items leave your possession, the better. The longer they stay stored under your roof, the more time you have to reconsider and take them back.