Stay Positive in Mind and Life
I am turning a little corner here.
I have written many different articles, Music, Retail Business, History of Rock, yet I need to write this one.
We as a people need to find our way.
Life is not the same as even 10 years ago.
We need to change with the times as much as we do not want to, we must.
If you look at history, we are on top because of war, we built the best planes, the best tanks, the best of all warfare.
You may not like to hear this, but if it was not for this you would not be here.
We would not be the super-power we are! Be happy you are here! I am not sure we are doing the best job in this area.
You and I must decide this and make decisions what to do.
Be smart, look beyond what people say, why do they say it, look for sincerity and truth! Don't be fooled by trickery! Be smart in what you see.
Now back to why we are here! I know you all have been negative, doubting yourself, being negative within your mind, your body, and your soul! It happens to all of us.
I don't understand why, but I will not have it live in me.
My life is difficult, hard, emotional, not to mention people putting me down, telling me I am worth nothing, saying I don't add-up.
Why do I dress that way, why do I talk that way, why do I look that way, why do I think that way,..
why, why, why..
! I am sick of it, What do you think, the media, television, it's sickening, you have nothing to say, that is sad! Real sad, can't we look at truth and what's real, this media add's up to nothing.
If you want to look here and be happy good luck with your future, it's false advertisement and add's up to nothing.
Believe in this if you must, it won't last and will beat you every-time, unless as we speak earlier that we have the strength People who don't understand others, or aren't willing to try have a problem themselves! That is some of the reasons and problems we have today.
Let's take a good look at ourselves! We know we must take a good look at ourselves.
Let's do it.
Please let's keep a positive outlook on our life and in our mind.
I have been around the world in life and in my mind, please be positive in all you do, be positive in your body, soul, mind, and in all you do! Death is not a place you want to be! For it is over then! There is no turning back! We have all felt so low that it is the only place to go because we we're lost! But we do have a place to go, believe in yourself, you have the answer, with the help of your higher power, you have all the answers, just believe, have faith, know you are worth a power no-one on earth will give you, it is a spiritual power You have many places to go, dreams to make happen, Love that can come true, all of this can come true! You must believe in yourself.
I know you have heard this time, and time again.
It is the truth, if you don't believe in yourself , who will?Please believe in yourself! We must look deep inside ourselves to seek out the answers for what we need and we can do it.
We don't need someone outside to tell us what we need, deep inside all of us we know what we need! Don't be fooled by all this! You know in your heart what you need to do.
I believe in people.
I know they know what is important, the are just afraid of facing the unknown.
Yet it is not unknown, it only feels that way.
Shake off the unbelief in yourself, shake off the unknown in your mind.
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, Again BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!! Don't doubt yourself, Be Positive, Live Life, Push the problems away, they don't deserve the attention.
Hang in there.
I know it's tough, but please get through it, you will keep all the things you have going for you, your integrity, your personality, your humor, your special coolness, and especially your soul! You may not see it but others do.
Think about your life, we seem to take it lightly but others don't take it that way.
It's easy to put ourselves down, that's easy, anyone can do that.
Stand up for yourself, look at your strong points, look at what you can offer, believe it do it, it's not easy , you make the choice! Follow your higher power, he'll guide you! Remember people change the world...
! They always have.
Dream, Look to future, Learn, Study, Be a person who is not afraid, Be a person who does not give up, Be a person to accomplish what was something that was impossible accomplish at a time before you! Stand tall, make things happen! Don't be a follower, be a leader.
You will have to fight, kick, scratch, all of it...
! To be a winner have to be better than the rest! If you listen, your just like the rest-Don't go there! Study, Look, I said it before, be better! Figure it out! No-one is going to give it to you, figure it out!!!! As a people, we must study, we must be smarter, we must study and be better! If not all we are is a people following what's come before.
I don't want to be that...
! I want to see people have a positive mind, a positive life, a vision to change the things that have come before, and a way to make them better, we have along way to go, please people wake up, get up, listen, look, see, become part of the solution and not the problem.
I am not trying to preach, I am only trying to have us open our minds.
If we don't, we lose! I don't want us to lose, this country has great heart! With all it's disagreements, and problems, remember 9/12-We came together like the world has never seen! Remember! Lets get a positive mind and life-Look hard and you will find it...
! Teddy Mueller 2007
I have written many different articles, Music, Retail Business, History of Rock, yet I need to write this one.
We as a people need to find our way.
Life is not the same as even 10 years ago.
We need to change with the times as much as we do not want to, we must.
If you look at history, we are on top because of war, we built the best planes, the best tanks, the best of all warfare.
You may not like to hear this, but if it was not for this you would not be here.
We would not be the super-power we are! Be happy you are here! I am not sure we are doing the best job in this area.
You and I must decide this and make decisions what to do.
Be smart, look beyond what people say, why do they say it, look for sincerity and truth! Don't be fooled by trickery! Be smart in what you see.
Now back to why we are here! I know you all have been negative, doubting yourself, being negative within your mind, your body, and your soul! It happens to all of us.
I don't understand why, but I will not have it live in me.
My life is difficult, hard, emotional, not to mention people putting me down, telling me I am worth nothing, saying I don't add-up.
Why do I dress that way, why do I talk that way, why do I look that way, why do I think that way,..
why, why, why..
! I am sick of it, What do you think, the media, television, it's sickening, you have nothing to say, that is sad! Real sad, can't we look at truth and what's real, this media add's up to nothing.
If you want to look here and be happy good luck with your future, it's false advertisement and add's up to nothing.
Believe in this if you must, it won't last and will beat you every-time, unless as we speak earlier that we have the strength People who don't understand others, or aren't willing to try have a problem themselves! That is some of the reasons and problems we have today.
Let's take a good look at ourselves! We know we must take a good look at ourselves.
Let's do it.
Please let's keep a positive outlook on our life and in our mind.
I have been around the world in life and in my mind, please be positive in all you do, be positive in your body, soul, mind, and in all you do! Death is not a place you want to be! For it is over then! There is no turning back! We have all felt so low that it is the only place to go because we we're lost! But we do have a place to go, believe in yourself, you have the answer, with the help of your higher power, you have all the answers, just believe, have faith, know you are worth a power no-one on earth will give you, it is a spiritual power You have many places to go, dreams to make happen, Love that can come true, all of this can come true! You must believe in yourself.
I know you have heard this time, and time again.
It is the truth, if you don't believe in yourself , who will?Please believe in yourself! We must look deep inside ourselves to seek out the answers for what we need and we can do it.
We don't need someone outside to tell us what we need, deep inside all of us we know what we need! Don't be fooled by all this! You know in your heart what you need to do.
I believe in people.
I know they know what is important, the are just afraid of facing the unknown.
Yet it is not unknown, it only feels that way.
Shake off the unbelief in yourself, shake off the unknown in your mind.
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, Again BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!! Don't doubt yourself, Be Positive, Live Life, Push the problems away, they don't deserve the attention.
Hang in there.
I know it's tough, but please get through it, you will keep all the things you have going for you, your integrity, your personality, your humor, your special coolness, and especially your soul! You may not see it but others do.
Think about your life, we seem to take it lightly but others don't take it that way.
It's easy to put ourselves down, that's easy, anyone can do that.
Stand up for yourself, look at your strong points, look at what you can offer, believe it do it, it's not easy , you make the choice! Follow your higher power, he'll guide you! Remember people change the world...
! They always have.
Dream, Look to future, Learn, Study, Be a person who is not afraid, Be a person who does not give up, Be a person to accomplish what was something that was impossible accomplish at a time before you! Stand tall, make things happen! Don't be a follower, be a leader.
You will have to fight, kick, scratch, all of it...
! To be a winner have to be better than the rest! If you listen, your just like the rest-Don't go there! Study, Look, I said it before, be better! Figure it out! No-one is going to give it to you, figure it out!!!! As a people, we must study, we must be smarter, we must study and be better! If not all we are is a people following what's come before.
I don't want to be that...
! I want to see people have a positive mind, a positive life, a vision to change the things that have come before, and a way to make them better, we have along way to go, please people wake up, get up, listen, look, see, become part of the solution and not the problem.
I am not trying to preach, I am only trying to have us open our minds.
If we don't, we lose! I don't want us to lose, this country has great heart! With all it's disagreements, and problems, remember 9/12-We came together like the world has never seen! Remember! Lets get a positive mind and life-Look hard and you will find it...
! Teddy Mueller 2007