Health & Medical Women's Health

Bacterial Vaginosis 101 - What It Is and Why You Need Treatment

Simply put, bacterial vaginosis is a mild vagina infection.
Another name for it is Gardnerella.
This is actually the most common bacteria that causes the discomfort, however there are also other bacteria that could contribute as well.
This particular problem is affecting women particularly those that are at a reproductive age.
Nevertheless girls and women that have reached their menopause can also get infected in the right conditions.
The main symptom whereby everyone can easily recognize bacterial vaginosis is a foul smelling discharge that appears suddenly, from one day to the other.
Additionally many women also experience a sensation of burning or itching and this is why many think that they have yeast infection.
While it is quite similar in symptoms, the two diseases are not quite the same.
But more on that later.
Statistics show that 5%-30% of women might have this illness but not all have the symptoms attached to it, so many women don't even realize that they are harboring the infection.
Luckily this is not a serious problem and in most cases natural cures are all that females need in order to get rid of it.
Most women go to the doctor when they see that white discharge, as they are getting worried that they might have Candida or something similar.
The doctor will take a sample of the discharge and will send it to the lab for further analysis.
Another way to diagnose bacterial vaginosis is during the very common and routine pap tests.
When it comes to treatment, there are two main options: medicine prescribed by the doctor if the situation is more serious, or by means of natural remedies when the discharge is not very strong.
Many women actually chose the second, particularly if they don't go to the doctor and within a few weeks the disease disappears all by itself.
However if you are very worried and your discharge is truly extreme, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
Sometimes there is more at hand than just Gardnerella and only a proper lab analysis will show what exactly you are dealing with.

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