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How to Plant Butternut Seeds

    Butternut Squash

    • 1). Select a garden space that receives full sun and has well-drained soil. Butternut squash need at least 15 to 20 feet of vine-growing space.

    • 2). Make 1-inch-deep furrow rows in the space, using the handle of a garden hoe. Space rows six to eight feet apart.

    • 3). Place a butternut squash seed every six to 12 inches apart in the rows.

    • 4). Cover each seed with 1/2 to 1 inch of soil.

    Butternut Trees

    • 1). Remove leaves and other debris from the soil of your planting location.

    • 2). Make a hole 1 to 1 1/2 inches deep in the prepared area.

    • 3). Place a hulled, stratified butternut seed into the hole. Cover it with soil. Water the area until the soil is moist to the touch.

    • 4). Cover the area with an inch of mulch or sawdust. Remove the mulch or sawdust in the spring if it has compacted and might hinder the seedling's growth.

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