Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Cigarette Smoking Is Harmful To Your Health

From the side of the world where I call my sweet home, all cigarette packets have these words in bold Cigarette smoking is harmful to your health.

But what I have never understood is why some one with a sane mind wants to continue harming their health.

Although if there were not smokers, the economy of the country would be affected greatly, health issues must be personally crucial.

One thing that hurts greatly is the fact that those who smoke nowadays are young women and men should be healthy mothers and fathers of tomorrow.

What is more, many of the people who smoke are also alcohol abusers a thing that adds up to their health risks.

Why do people smoke?

If you asked different smokers why they do it yet the producing company warn of the dangers involved, they will give you many reasons.

However those I happened to ask gave some of these reasons:

Names not real

Eric who is a teenager said that if he does not smoke, then his peers would not consider him a male stallion with vitality and class. He gave the same reasons for extravagant clubbing and drinking. As he put it, smoking and drinking is part of having fun with friends as young as you.

When I heard Sammy, a family man coughing like a tuberculosis patient I requested to know why he continued smoking. He said that cigarette smoking takes you to another world with no piles of unpaid bills, without loneliness or frequent fights with your wife. For him, a puff is like being in a tranquil spirit that does not bother about the hardships of this modern life.

Shirley is a lady who said that smoking and drinking is just but a means of experiencing life from both sides. In other words if her male counterpart can do something, then she can do it better. Moreover, she confirms that a woman who smokes appears tough and untouchable from the outside and it is hard for her to be taken advantage of.

So I concluded that smoking is rampant because someone wants to have fun, show off, and fit in among the peers, escape real world problems among much other stuff.

A smoking addiction means a person has formed an irrepressible dependence on cigarettes to the point where stopping smoking would cause severe emotional, mental, or physical reactions.

Harms of cigarette smoking

As the producer says, cigarette smoking could damage most of your internal organs, cause cancer and death. Read what can happen to your beautiful and healthy:


Chemicals in tobacco cause harm to the macula -the most sensitive part of the retina, the back of the eye. Minute blood vessels can rupture through the macula, leading to permanent harm.

Reliable recent research states that there is a strong association between smoking and a number of common eye diseases, including age- related macular deterioration, glaucoma and cataract.

Smoking causes morphological and functional changes to the lens and retina due to its atherosclerotic and thrombosis effects on the ocular capillaries.

Also, it improves the creation of free radicals and reduces the levels of antioxidants in the blood circulation, aqueous humor and ocular tissue. Eventually, constant smoking may continue more harm and front a permanent blindness.

Mouth and esophagus

Smoking is a risk factor for all cancers associated with the larynx, oral cavity and esophagus. Serious cases, makes it difficult for one to swallow solid food because these parts kind of shrinks.

read more information on the site below.

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