Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

A Few Facts About Binge Drinking

Binge drinking is simply wanting to drink in order to get drunk.
No restrictions and self-destruction at the same time.
An intoxicated drinker wastes money, act irresponsibly and exhibits risky behavior when drinking overly.
He or she can even go so far as to challenge the authorities or emergency medical staff.
There are many a country in the western hemisphere that faces a predicament in regard to binge drinking even though they have several levels of tolerance for it.
US laws show that men who take in a minimal of five drinks and women who take in a minimal of four during an event are considered binge drinking.
On the other hand, UK laws state that taking in a minimal of 11 is considered binge drinking, more than twice of that in the US.
Such a problem has become so critical that the government is considering measures in order to counter it.
What is the point of discussion? Games as well as having fun is the usual mask of irresponsibility whenever heavy drinking is involved.
Those who drink and those around are being put in peril and such perils include: - Neglecting work - Damaging property - Having unplanned sex - Having sex while unprotected - Driving while under the influence - Getting into scoffs with the authorities - Getting hurt and/or injured - An alcoholic overdose can lead to alcohol poisoning, which is potentially deadly There are also risks to people around binge drinkers and these are: - Disrupting leisure time as well as sleep - Getting insulted and/or humiliated - Grave arguments - Damage to property - Being on the receiving end of an assault - Gratuitous sexual advancing Why does one binge drink then? Here are some reasons why: - To get drunk - Status connected to drinking - Culture centered around drinking alcohol - Friends urging you to drink, i.
peer pressure - Feeling stressed out Is your problem binge drinking? Do you have knowledge regarding destructive behaviors that you exhibit? - Are you drinking more frequently as well as more often? - Do you drink just so you could get drunk? - Do you ignore your work or your loved ones because you drink? What you should do: - Fortunately, hypnotherapy an NLP can be utilized in solving uncontrolled drinking.
- Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is utilized to reset the mind in realizing affirmative results.
- Hypnotherapy unlocks the mind to NLP.
The combination of both yields positive results.
- These two procedures reset binge drinking behavior.
- With help from a hypnotherapist or a downloaded self-help program, the brain can be reset to put a stop to binge drinking.
Each of these methods yields equivalent results.
From self-destruction to "just a few drinks while having a nice time.

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